2015 OMB Candidates

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Presi dent ER IK J.M. KON INGS Nest l é R es ea rch Cen t er Lau san n e, Swi t zer lan d Immedi a te Pa s t-Pre si den t JAMES M. HARNLY Belt svi l l e, MD, USA Presi dent -El ect NORMA R. H ILL US Tr ea su r y (R et i r ed ) Con cord , CA, USA Trea surer JONATHAN W. DEVR IES Med al li on Lab o rat o ri es Mi n n eap oli s, MN, USA Secreta ry DARRYL M. SULLIVAN Covan c e Lab orat ori es Mad i son , WI, USA Di recto r DAV ID W. K. ACHESON Th e Ach es on Gr ou p Wash i n gt on , D.C., USA of Ch i n a Di recto r DEANN L. BENESH 3M Fo od Sa f et y Sai n t Pau l, MN, USA Di recto r BRAD GOSKOWICZ Mi crob i o lo gi cs, In c. Sai n t Clou d , MN, USA Di recto r DOUGLAS A. HITE ICD Ass oci at es Nash vi l l e, TN, USA Di recto r RONALD L. JOHNSON b i oM é ri eu x, In c. Hazelwo od , MO, USA Di recto r-a t -La rg e CLAY DETLEFSEN Nat i on al Mi lk Pr od u cers Fed erat i on Di recto r LE I BAO Sh an d on g En t r y-Exi t In sp ect i on & Qu aran t i n e Bu r eau Qi n g Da o Ci t y, P eop l es Rep u b li c Ar li n gt on , VA, USA Di recto r-a t -La rg e DAN IEL FABR ICANT Th e Nat u ra l P r od u ct s Ass oci at i on Wash i n gt on , D.C., USA

August 7, 2015

Shauna Roman AOAC Offical Methods Board - Chair Dear Shauna,

I am very pleased to recommend Katerina Mastovska for a postion on the AOAC INTERNATIONAL Official Methods Board. Kate’s scientific rigor will allow her to contribute at a high level, and help the AOAC meet its mission of providing the tools and processes necessary to collaborate and develop fit-for-purpose methods. I have worked with Kate for many years, and I believe that her education and experience will allow her to contribute to the succsess of the Official Methods Board. Sincerely,

AOAC Board of Directors – Secretary

Di recto r-a t -La rg e DAN IEL SCHMITZ Ab b ot t Nu t ri t i on Sai n t Clou d , MN, USA Executi ve Di recto r E. JAMES BRADFORD AOAC INTERNAT IONAL Gai t h er sb u rg, MD, USA

2275 Research Boulevard, Suite 300 Rockville, MD 20850 USA Telephone: +1-301-924-7077 Fax: +1-301-924-7089 Internet e-mail: aoac@aoac.org

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