2015 OMB Candidates

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Presi dent ER IK J.M. KON INGS Nest l é R es ea rch Cen t er Lau san n e, Swi t zer lan d Immedi a te Pa s t-Pre si den t JAMES M. HARNLY Belt svi l l e, MD, USA Presi dent -El ect NORMA R. H ILL US Tr ea su r y (R et i r ed ) Con cord , CA, USA Trea surer JONATHAN W. DEVR IES Med al li on Lab o rat o ri es Mi n n eap oli s, MN, USA Secreta ry DARRYL M. SULLIVAN Covan c e Lab orat ori es Mad i son , WI, USA Di recto r DAV ID W. K. ACHESON Th e Ach es on Gr ou p Wash i n gt on , D.C., USA of Ch i n a Di recto r DEANN L. BENESH 3M Fo od Sa f et y Sai n t Pau l, MN, USA Di recto r BRAD GOSKOWICZ Mi crob i o lo gi cs, In c. Sai n t Clou d , MN, USA Di recto r DOUGLAS A. HITE ICD Ass oci at es Nash vi l l e, TN, USA Di recto r RONALD L. JOHNSON b i oM é ri eu x, In c. Hazelwo od , MO, USA Di recto r-a t -La rg e CLAY DETLEFSEN Nat i on al Mi lk Pr od u cers Fed erat i on Di recto r LE I BAO Sh an d on g En t r y-Exi t In sp ect i on & Qu aran t i n e Bu r eau Qi n g Da o Ci t y, P eop l es Rep u b li c Ar li n gt on , VA, USA Di recto r-a t -La rg e DAN IEL FABR ICANT Th e Nat u ra l P r od u ct s Ass oci at i on Wash i n gt on , D.C., USA

August 11, 2015

Shauna Roman AOAC Official Methods Board - Chair Dear Shauna,

I am very pleased to recommend Don Gilliland for a position on the AOAC INTERNATIONAL Official Methods Board. Don is an excellent scientist, and has been involved with numerous method development and validation studies with Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals. He had made invaluable contributions to the AOAC SPIFAN program as a Stakeholder, a Working Group Chair, and a member of the Expert Review Panel. I have worked with Don for many years, and I believe that his extensive experience with analytical testing will contribute significantly to the success of the Official Methods Board. Sincerely,

AOAC Board of Directors – Secretary

Di recto r-a t -La rg e DAN IEL SCHMITZ Ab b ot t Nu t ri t i on Sai n t Clou d , MN, USA Executi ve Di recto r E. JAMES BRADFORD AOAC INTERNAT IONAL Gai t h er sb u rg, MD, USA

2275 Research Boulevard, Suite 300 Rockville, MD 20850 USA Telephone: +1-301-924-7077 Fax: +1-301-924-7089 Internet e-mail: aoac@aoac.org

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