2016 OMB Summer Meeting

AOAC OMB Meeting Book


Curriculum Vitae - N. ES-SAFI - . Chemical transformations which contribute to the organoleptic properties alterations (de-astringency, browning, darkening, etc …) of foods during processing, maturation, storage and aging.  Evolution of phenolic compounds during processing, maturation, storage and aging of foods in model solution systems.  Evolution of phenolic compounds in model solution systems. Detection, isolation and identification of the new formed compounds and confirmation of their presence in in foods.  Role of the new formed compounds in food organoleptic properties and huaman health.  Pharmacological activity:  Antibacterial and antifungal activity of natural and synthesized compounds.  Mollusciscidal activity of proanthocyanidols and flavonols isolated from grapes and vine leaves.  Antioxydant and free radical scavenging properties of natural and synthesized compounds.  Strucure-activity relationships. Teaching Experience  Organic Chemistry: Stereochemistry, reactions, mechanisms and structures.  Natural Products.  Spectral Analysis: IR, MS, NMR.  Chromatography: PC, GPC, HPLC.  Polyphenols chemistry. Scientific stays in foreign laboratories:  Unité de Phytopharmacie et Médiateurs Chimiques. Team: Chemistry of Natural Products. National Institute for Agricultural Research, Versailles, France.  UMR Sciences for Enology. Polyphenols team. National Institute for Agricultural Research, Montpellier, France.  Chemical changes during processing: 

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