2016 OMB Summer Meeting
AOAC OMB Meeting Book
AOAC Expert Review Panel for AOAC Stakeholder Panel on Dietary Supplements (SPDS) Set 3 Ingredients Summaries of Expertise BHATT, PREMAL Area of Expertise: Varied Premal is an Associate Scientific Liaison for the Food Program Unit at US Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) since 2011. Previously, he worked as a Scientist II for USP’s R&D Laboratory from 2005 to 2011. As a Scientific Liaison-Foods, Premal is engaged in developing standards for identity, purity, and authenticity of food components. One of the areas of Premal’s interest is developing such standards for various spices. Premal has a background in analytical chemistry with more than 25 years of experience in various laboratory settings, such as pharmaceutical, chemical, and waste management. Premal holds two Master of Science degrees in Plant Pathology; one from Kansas State University and one from Gujarat Agricultural University, Anand, India. Premal has authored ten research papers in peer-reviewed journals. FULL CV: https://www.jotform.com/uploads/christopherdent/51735966869173/320740221947628159/P. Bhatt.Resume.pdf Dr. Milda Embuscado, currently a Senior Principal Scientist at the Materials and Process Technology, Applied Research at McCormick & Co., Inc., Hunt Valley, Maryland, obtained her Ph. D. from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN and worked as a Research Scientist at the Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Research, a world renowned carbohydrate research institute. Her areas of research include ingredient characterization and functionality, new product innovation, process improvement and flavor/bioactive microencapsulation including optimization of formulations and processes through the employment of design of experiment and response surface methodology to optimize ingredient functionality in food systems such as food emulsion and flavor/bioactive encapsulated products. Her research also includes bioactives and antioxidants from spices and herbs and the effects of processing and cooking on these bioactive components; and the effects of spice/herb extracts on altering digestion of starches . She has given invited presentations to the Institute of Food Technologist (IFT)and has edited and authored books on Functionalizing carbohydrates for food applications: Texturizing and bioactive/flavor delivery systems and on Edible films and coatings for food applications, a best seller book in its category. She also authored several refereed scientific articles on carbohydrates and food bioactives. She was the chairman of the IFT Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods Division (2012-13) and the CarbohydrateDivision (2006- 07). She was elected a full member to the following honor societies: Sigma Xi (The Scientific Research Society), Phi Tau Sigma (The Honor Society of Food Science and Technology) and Gamma Sigma Delta (The Honor Society of Agriculture). She is a professional member of the IFT and a Certified Food Scientist (April 1, 2013) awarded by the International Food Science Certification Commission and a member of the inaugural class. FULL CV: https://www.jotform.com/uploads/christopherdent/51735966869173/320829664381101461/Milda Embuscado-CV.docx ES SAFI, NOUR EDDINE Area of Expertise: Technologies for Analyzing Ingredients In connection with the question about my expertise appropriate to the ERP under formation, I am hereby stating that my expertise is with the technologies and the methods used for the detection, the qualitative and the quantitative analysis of the ingredients. FULL CV: https://www.jotform.com/uploads/christopherdent/51735966869173/327153304632666744/CV_EsSafi-11-15.pdf EMBUSCADO, MILDA Area of Expertise: Cinnamon
FINLEY, JOHN Area of Expertise: Antioxidant Methods
Historically I have organized two international symposia on antioxidant methods. I also have spoken several times at ACS and IFT concerning antioxidant methods. Perhaps most important on the Folin-C issue, I led the development of
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