2016 OMB Summer Meeting

AOAC OMB Meeting Book




June 22, 2016 


AOAC INTERNATIONAL Official Methods Board 


Deborah McKenzie, Staff Liaison – AOAC Official Methods Board 


Item IId. OMB New Member Selection  

There a maximum of seven (7) positions open on the OMB for 2016‐2017 term, including the chair  positions for the Committees on Statistics and Safety.  Of current OMB members who will have  completed two three year terms, two OMB members are eligible to serve and have agreed to serve a  second three year term.  This leaves five potential positions that can be filled.    The AOAC OMB New Member Selection Working Group has solicited nominations for potential OMB  membership.  Using last year’s list, the working group also reached out to interested candidates  from 2015 to gauge their continued interest to remain under consideration for OMB membership.   The working group has compiled a list of interested candidates and all have been contacted by the  OMB chair.   

RECOMMENDATIONS :   For OMB to deliberate on candidates and reach a consensus on a propose  OMB slate for 2016‐2017. 

ENCLOSURES :   List of candidates and Candidate CVs/resumes.  OMB breakdown 

Additionally, the working group was invited to review the Selection of New OMB Members  document and the Selection of OMB Vice‐Chair document to provide OMB with suggestions for  revisions for OMB’s consideration.   

RECOMMENDATIONS :  For OMB to deliberate on the documents 

ENCLOSURES :   Selection of New OMB Members  Selection of OMB Vice‐Chair 

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