2016 OMB Summer Meeting

AOAC OMB Meeting Book


Amy N. Brown Contact Information 3125 Conner Blvd. Lab 3 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (850) 617-7510 Amy.Brown@FreshFromFlorida.com

Division of Food Safety, Chemical Residue Laboratory Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services


Environmental Manager

June 2005-Present

D EPT . OF A GRICULTURE , D IV . OF F OOD S AFETY , C HEMICAL R ESIDUE L ABORATORY T ALLAHASSEE , FL Assist the Bureau Chief of the Chemical Residue Laboratory by acting as technical manager of the State Pesticide Residue Regulatory Program which is responsible for ensuring a safe food supply under Florida Statue 500. This includes assuring that violations are identified accurately and appropriate regulatory actions are taken in a timely manner. Manages deliverables for all pesticide regulatory actions including preparation and maintenance of records (e-mail and phone instructions, audit trail of these communications, summary tables, timely updates to Bureau, Division, Department and FDA managers, etc.) in a manner that assures all affected parties are accurately informed. Assists the Bureau Chief with special projects such as Deep Horizon Oil spill analysis of seafood samples for PAHs and Dispersants. Supervises chemists assigned to the Sample Preparation section and the Standard’s section, including leave approval, performance counseling and appraisal. Manages the daily operations and sample analysis schedule for the Laboratory, including sample collection, receipt, preparation, extractions and data entry. Conducts technical review of completed results. Reviews and approves all instrumental data in support of the State Pesticide Residue Regulatory Program. Analysis instruments include GC-Triple Quadrupole (GC-MS/MS), LC-Triple Quadrupole (LC-MS/MS) and LC-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (LC/HRMS). Ensures that the laboratory adheres to strict ISO 17025 procedures to uphold accreditation. Working knowledge of QA and ISO 17025 principles and how they relate to trace level analysis, and assurance that the laboratory adheres to strict laboratory QA ISO 17025 procedures. The lab received accreditation from the A2LA ISO/IEC 17025:2005 to performMultiresidue Screening of Pesticide Data Program Samples and Multiresidue Pesticides in State Program Fruits and Vegetables (A2LA certificate # 2534.03). Acts as the laboratory database administrator. This includes updating and maintaining the laboratory information management system (LIMS).

Chemist Administrator

November 2002-June 2005

D EPT . OF A GRICULTURE , D IV . OF F OOD S AFETY , C HEMICAL R ESIDUE L ABORATORY T ALLAHASSEE , FL Assists the Quality Assurance Officer with the development and implementation of Quality Assurance/Quality Control procedures in the Chemical Residue Laboratory.

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