Contemporary Resume

Sponsored Research Projects

Title of the Project Biosynthesis of biologically active and enzymatically resistant Oligosaccharide- Ferulic acid conjugate (a prodrug to target colo-rectal cancer) in microemulsion system Utilization mushroom extracts as prebiotic sources to develop synbiotic microcapsules of

Funding Agency (Scheme) Biotechnology, Ministry of Technology, Government of India (Rapid Grant for Young Investigators 2012) Department of Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (Fast Track Scheme for Young Scientists) IC-IMPACTS (India-Canada Centre for Innovative Multidisciplinary Partnerships to Accelerate Community Transformation and Sustainability) Science and

Amount (Rs.)

Status of the Project (Registration No.)


16,58,000 Ongoing

Principal Investigator

24,90,000 Ongoing (SERC/LS- 156/2012)

Principal Investigator

Development of Capacitive Deionization Technology for Point-- ‐ of-- Water Purification

$301,000 (Canadian Dollars)

Ongoing (http://ic- posts/development-of- capacitive- deionization- technology-for-point-

Indian Academic Partner

‐ Use

of-use-water- purification/)

Research Papers Published in International Journals

[R. Jayabalan Curriculum Vitae]

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