2018 August 26 SPSFAM Book

The Working Groups Seminar on July 11th

10 Working Groups (Collaborative)

• Standard method performance evaluation system of Safety GB • Microbiological method  • Physicochemical method  for infant formulae and dairy products • Physicochemical method for elements  • Physicochemical method for food related products  • Physicochemical method for food additives and chemical contaminants • Physicochemical method for natural pollutants and bio‐toxins • Physicochemical method for radioactive substances and irradiation  • Physicochemical method for food nutrition and nutrition enhancers • Physicochemical method for food conventional and characteristic index 

Working Groups (2 Chairs + Members) Chairs: governmental agencies

Members: government + academy+ industry One organization can attend maximum 2-3 WGs

Working Groups Meetings

• WG of standard performance evaluation – July 17th • WG of the infant formula and dairy - July 17th • WG of the microbiological method - July 27th • WG of natural pollutant and bio-toxin- July 31 st • WG of the radioactivity and irradiation method - August 3rd. • WG of elements - August 3rd. • WG of routine physical and chemical method – August 14th. • WG of food related products– August 11th. • WG of food additives and chemical contaminants– August 15th. • WG of food nutrition and supplements– August 15th.

• Kick off meeting of WG of "Infant Formula and Dairy” held in Hohehot, on July 17 th . • 30 representatives from authorities and industries attended the meetings. • Opinions collected categorize and prioritize • Plans of next step were discussed.

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