2018 ERP of the Year Awards Info.


c. AOAC Official Method 2014.07: Listeria monocytogenes in Selected Foods and Environmental Surfaces (3M™ Molecular Detection Assay (MDA) Listeria monocytogenes Method) 2) AOAC Staff will revise the AOAC First Action Official Method to Final Action Feedback Mechanism for Method Use and Performance Evaluation fo r proprietary/sole source AOAC Official Method SM (OMA). 3) AOAC Staff will circulate AOAC Technical Questions to the ERP members for feedback. 4 4) ERP members to review ISO 16140 along with AOAC Organizational Affiliates.

VIII. Adjournment

MOTION by Hammack, Second by Arbault to adjourn the meeting at 1:22 p.m. Consensus demonstrated by: 10 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstentions. Unanimous, Motion Passed.

4 Attachment 3: AOAC Technical Questions


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