2018 ERP of the Year Awards Info.


AOAC RESEARCH INSTITUTE  Expert Review Panel Chair Report for Microbiology for Foods and Environmental Surfaces  Page 3 of 8 


Criteria for Vetting Methods to be considered:  AOAC convened the Official Methods of Analysis SM  (OMA) Expert Review Panel for Microbiology for Foods and  Environmental Surfaces on Sunday, September 27, 2015 during the AOAC Annual Meeting and Exposition held at  the Westin Bonaventure Hotel, 404 South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, California 90071.   The purpose of the meeting was to review and evaluate OMAMAN‐25: Evaluation of the 3M™Petrifilm™Rapid  Aerobic Count Plate for the Enumeration of Aerobic Bacteria: Collaborative Study submitted by Bob Jechorek of  3M Food Safety, located at 3M Center, Building 260‐06‐B‐01, St. Paul, MN  55144 and Erin Crowley of Q  Laboratories, located at 1400 Harrison Avenue, Cincinnati, OH  45214.  Supplemental information was also provided to the reviewers which included the collaborative study  manuscript, collaborative study protocol, method safety checklist, method user guide, and the AOAC  Performance Tested Methods SM   validation report for #121403.      Criteria for Vetting Experts and Selection Process:  The current Expert Review Panel (ERP) consisting of ten (10) experts and one (1) alternate were submitted for  consideration by the Official Methods Board to evaluate candidate methods for microbiology methods as per  the Expert Review Panel (ERP) Policies and Procedures.  The candidates were highly recommended by the  Microbiology Community, have participated in various AOAC activities, including but limited to, Method Centric  Committees that were formed under the legacy OMA pathway, and were vetted by the Official Methods Board.   The experts are Wendy McMahon (Co‐Chair),  Michael Brodsky (Co‐Chair), Maya Achen, Patrice Arbault, Mark  Carter, Peyman Fatemi, Maria Christina Fernandez, Tom Hammack/Yi Chen (alternate), Tony Hitchins, and  Yvonne Salfinger.  ERP Orientation:   All ERP members have completed the mandatory AOAC Expert Review Panel Orientation Webinar.   Expert Review Panel Meeting Quorum  The meeting of the Expert Review Panel was held in person. A quorum is the presence of seven (7) members or  2/3 of the total vetted ERP, whichever is greater.  Eight (8) members, out of the ten (10) voting members and  one (1) alternate, were present and therefore met a quorum to conduct the meeting.  Conclusion:   The ERP reviewed OMAMAN‐25: Evaluation of the 3M™Petrifilm™Rapid Aerobic Count Plate for the  Enumeration of Aerobic Bacteria: Collaborative Study and adopted the method for AOAC First Action Official  Method status.  In addition, seven (7) AOAC First Action Official Methods were recommended for AOAC Final  Action Official Methods status.  Those methods are AOAC 2012.02, AOAC 2013.01, AOAC 2013.02, AOAC  2013.09, AOAC 2013.10, AOAC 2013.011, and AOAC 2013.14.  These methods were reviewed by consensus as  noted in the meeting minutes. Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs):   N/A 


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