2018 ERP of the Year Awards Info.


AOAC RESEARCH INSTITUTE  Expert Review Panel Chair Report for Microbiology for Foods and Environmental Surfaces  Page 6 of 8 

In regards to multiple and unique test portion sizes, and alternate enrichments, the ERP discussed that the  information be considered on a case by case basis.  However, it was noted that this information should be  captured for future use and the tracking of exceptions regarding sample sizes, etc, should be noted.     If r PTM AND OMA testing?  Example: The method developer wants to claim 375g.  The ERP discussed that the use of the 5 new  Listeria  species in the inclusivity studies, the ERP suggested that  it should be included in the study, wherever available.    The ERP discussed available information regarding the use of the alternative collaborative study design for  expensive equipment.  It was noted that ISO 16140 and AOAC  Appendix I: AOAC INTERNATIONAL Methods  Committee Guidelines for Validation of Biological Threat Agent Methods and/or Procedures, both allow for  up to three collaborators in the same laboratory, as long as it is independent with separate sample sets.   However, AOAC Appendix D: Guidelines for Collaborative Study Procedures to Validate Characteristics of a  Method of Analysis allows for up to five collaborators.   The ERP discussed and reviewed the information received from the method author for the AOAC First Action  methods that are or have approached their 2‐year tracking period.  The method author’s were present to  answer questions and comments from the ERP.  The ERP is required to make a recommendation on AOAC  Official First Action methods, 2 years after adoption, to the AOAC Official Methods Board regarding Final  Action status.  By consensus of the ERP the following motions were noted.   V. Discuss Final Action Requirements for First Action Official Methods  (if applicable) 

1) AOAC Official Method 2012.02: Gram‐Positive Bacteria Identification Kit Name: VITEK® 2 Gram Positive (GP) Biochemical Identification Method  Company: bioMérieux Method Status: First Action 2012

Motion by McMahon; Second by Fernandez,  to recommend 2012.02 for AOAC Final Action status.   Consensus demonstrated by: 8 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstentions. Motion Passed.  

2) AOAC Official Method 2013.01: Salmonella  in a Variety of Foods Kit Name: VIDAS ®  UP  Salmonella  (SPT) Method  Company: bioMérieux Method Status: First Action 2013

Motion by McMahon; Second by Fatemi,  to recommend 2013.01 for AOAC Final Action status.   Consensus demonstrated by: 8 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstentions. Motion Passed.   3) AOAC Official Method 2013.02 : Salmonella Species in a Variety of Foods and Environmental Surfaces Kit Name: BAX ®  System Real‐Time PCR Assay for  Salmonella  

Company: DuPont Nutrition & Health Method Status: AOAC First Action 2013 

Motion by Brodsky; Second by Arbault,  to recommend 2013.02 for AOAC Final Action status.   Consensus demonstrated by: 7 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstention. Motion Passed.  


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