2019 AOAC Furans WG Book
Background on Furans
Furans and Alkyl Furans • Food processing contaminants formed during thermal processing of foods • Found in a variety of foods, such as coffee, canned and jarred foods (including baby foods), cereals etc. • Furan is hepatotoxic, possibly carcinogenic to humans (IARC Group 2B) and potentially genotoxic (similar health risk concerns raised for certain alkyl furans)
furan 2‐methylfuran 3‐methylfuran 2,5‐dimethylfuran 2‐pentylfuran
Background on Furans
Exposure (EFSA, 2017) Exposure to furan – Main contributors:
• Infants ( highest exposure ): Ready‐to‐eat meals • Other children: Grains and grain‐based products • Adults: Coffee ( highest concentrations ) Inclusion of alkyl furans in the assessment can significantly increase the exposure: e.g. , 2‐methylfuran concentration in coffee is about 4‐times higher than furan concentration
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