2023 OMB New Members

AOAC INTERNATIONAL Official Methods Board (OMB)

New Members October 16, 2023

AOAC INTERNATIONAL 2275 Research Blvd., Suite 300 Rockville, MD, 20850 UNITED STATES

dboyd@aoac.org 301.924.7077 x126

Ugo Bussy, Ph.D.

Analytical Chemistry Expert

Email: ugo.bussy@gmail.com

Phone: 224-460-1220

Bilingual Fluency in English and French

Professional Skills

• Expert knowledge in analytical science and interdisciplinary communication skills employed to inform stakeholders and influence decision making • Analytical and bioanalytical science expertise: UPLC, LC-MSMS, NMR, LC-HRMS, GC, sample preparation applied to complex matrices • Strong experience interpreting, writing, reviewing, editing, and presenting scientific contents • Experienced supervising Quality Control team and activities (validation, stability studies and release testing). • Ability to lead multiple projects simultaneously while meeting aggressive deadlines and adjusting priorities rapidly • Management experience: recruitment, talent development, engagement, and performance management • Self-motivated, result driven, dynamic, and organized • Technically curious, stay informed and connected with relevant community to anticipate challenges and opportunities for the business • Developed, validated and, published methods for peptides and small molecules determination in biological matrices

Research & Development Accomplishments

Principal Scientist – cocoa flavor science and analytics; 2year+ • Managed external research • Technical lead for cocoa flavor and analytical chemistry • Mentored and coached scientists and technicians • Developed instrument onboarding and technical organization of analytical flavor laboratory in compliance with internal and external regulation • Acted as a global subject matter expert for chromatography and mass spectrometry techniques for bioactive and contaminant analysis • Led deployment of high throughput LC-MS for flavor analysis • Provided high level technical input used to define strategy Adjunct Assistant Professor – College of Agriculture and Natural Resources • Consults on analytical chemistry method development and sampling design Supervisor: Dr. Weiming Li

April 2021- present

Chicago, IL, USA

July 2022 - present

East Lansing MI, USA


Principal Scientist - cocoa flavanol analytics; 3.5+ years • Built relationships and collaborated with other scientific leaders in the food and supplement industry, academia, government, commercial labs and consumer organizations • Developed, validated, and transferred methods to Quality Control group • Implementation and validation of USP compendial methods. • Identified and developed a new partnership to onboard business disrupting new dietary ingredient • Led and managed R&D analytical lab Managed the recruitment, engagement, talent development and performance management up to promotion and termination of several direct reports • Key actor in the translation of scientific activities to internal and external stakeholders • Strategized and led a public-private partnership for the industry wide standardization of cocoa flavanol testing: o National Institute of Standards and Technologies (US Dept. of Commerce): creation of RM 8403 o Waters Inc: engagement of external expert in developing tailored analytical solutions for cocoa flavanols o AOAC Int.: Sponsored official method of analysis for cocoa flavanols official method of analysis 2020.05 o Eurofins Scientific: Developed a partnership to create analytical solution that can be translated into commercial testing services and guarantee global availability • Acted as a subject matter expert in chemistry to support new product or new process development, competitor product testing and quality incident resolution. Supervised method validation at 3 rd party testing lab, conducted internal audits and, onboarded of new technologies Senior Analytical Research Scientist; 3 months • Developed secondary standard for cocoa flavanol analysis • Developed chromatographic separation for natural bioactive oligomers • Acted as a subject matter expert in analytical science Research Associate (2 years) and Senior Research Associate in Bio Analytical Chemistry; 3.5 years- 39 publications • Initiated a new line of research focused on the metabolomics investigation of pesticide in fish liver • Developed and validated LC-MSMS methods for biological matrices (targeted and untargeted approach), peptidomics and metabolomics • Managed the LC-MSMS demand for an interdisciplinary Lab Supervisor: Dr. Weiming Li Ph.D. student in Chemistry, 3 years- 10 publications and 1 patent • Implemented electrochemical hyphenated techniques (with Mass Spectrometry and NMR) • Developed an Electrochemical cell for in situ EC-NMR

August 2017- April 2021

Germantown MD, USA

May 2017- July 2017

November 2013-April 2017

East Lansing MI, USA

October 2010- October 2013


• Elucidated electrochemical behavior of β -blockers • Published expert opinions on NMR and MS • Mentoring of one undergraduate and one graduate student Supervisor: Dr. Mohammed Boujtita

Second internship of M.S. in Analytical Chemistry;4 months- 2 publications Developed and validated a quantitative method for isotopic finger-printing of

February June 2010 February June 2009

Nantes, France

active pharmaceutical ingredients using 13 C NMR Supervisors: Pr. Serge Akoka & Pr. Gerald S. Remaud

First internship of M.S. in Analytical Chemistry- 4 months Developed a purification process and chemical derivatization to produce probe molecules used for 13 C NMR analysis Supervisor: Pr. Gerald Remaud Two-year technical degree internship: quality control Performed and reported release testing of finished pharmaceutical products Supervisor: Catherine Bentley

June-July 2006

Reims, France



Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry with Jury’s recommendation

University of Nantes, France

2010 2008 2007 2005

M.S. in Analytical Chemistry Cum Laude

University of Nantes, France

B.S. in Chemistry

University of Paris Sud XI, France

Two-year Technical degree in Chemistry Magna Cum Laude

University of Reims, France University of Reims, France

Technical High School: Chemistry Cum Laude


Device and process for electrochemical synthesis of intermediate species of a chemical entity Mohammed Boujtita and Ugo Bussy . World Patent WO2014108372 (A1) US Patent 10,385,466


Selected Publications; 59 Publications, ( h-index 18); 942 citations Reviewer for: Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, Food Control, ACS Environmental Science and Technology, Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry, Food Additives and Contaminants, Journal of Chromatography A & B, Talanta, Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Molecules, Water Research, etc... Definition of system suitability and proficiency testing acceptance criteria for the standardization of quality control methodologies of botanical bioactives: a case study for the development of AOAC Official Method of Analysis 2020.05 Flavanols and Procyanidins Ugo Bussy , Hong You, James Curtis and, Catherine Kwik-Uribe Food Research International Unified cocoa flavor analysis using LC-MSMS to determine aroma and tastants during post harvest processing and in finish products Ugo Bussy , Andreas Dunkel, Joseph Logarzo, Timo Start, John Didzbalis and Corinna Dawid Food Chemistry #63 In press #62 Draft


Molecular changes during germination of cocoa beans Part 2: Method development, validation and application Konrad Brukel, Timo Stark, John Didzbalis, Ugo Bussy and Corinna Dawid Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry Molecular changes during germination of cocoa beans Part 1: sensory screening and characterization Konrad Brukel, Timo Stark, John Didzbalis, Ugo Bussy and Corinna Dawid Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry Collaborative study for AOAC 2020.05: Determination of cocoa flavanols and procyanidins (by degree of polymerization DP1-7) in cocoa based products by hydrophilic interaction Development and validation of HPLC-MS 2 methodology for the accurate determination of cocoa flavanol C4-C8 B-type procyanidins Ugo Bussy , Yusuf Olanrewaju, Alan Crozier, Javier I. Ottaviani, and Catherine Kwik-Uribe Scientific Reports 2021 . 11, 14761 UPLC-FLR measurement of flavanol and procyanidin bioactives in cocoa-based commercial products Ugo Bussy , Jinchuan Yang, Hong You, Nicholas Anderson, Emily R. Britton and Catherine Kwik-Uribe Waters Technical Application Note Library number: APNT135079406, 2021. Evolution of cocoa flavanol analytics: impact on reporting and cross-study comparison Ugo Bussy , Javier I. Ottaviani and Catherine Kwik-Uribe Food and Function 2021. 12 (8), 3433-3442 Bioactives testing in food stuffs and dietary supplements: analytical strategy for developing and validating a high performance, transferable and reliable flavanol and procyanidin assay Ugo Bussy , Brian R. May, Yusuf Olanrewaju, Gregory Hewitt, Nicholas Anderson, Alan Crozier, High sensitivity determination of estrogens in sea lamprey ( Petromyzon marinus ) plasma using chemical derivatization upstream UPLC-MSMS. Ugo Bussy , Yu-Wen Chung-Davidson, Tyler J. Buchinger, Ke Li and Weiming Li Steroids 2017, 123: 13-19. A validated LC-MSMS method for thyroid hormones determination in sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) plasma, gill, kidney and liver Ugo Bussy , Yu-Wen Chung-Davidson, Ke Li, Ethan Buchinger, Skye Fissette and Weiming Li Journal of Chromatography B 2017 , 1041-1042: 77-84 chromatography coupled with fluorescence detection Ugo Bussy , Hong You and Catherine Kwik-Uribe Journal of AOAC 2022 . 105(4), 1060-1068 Javier Ottaviani, and Catherine Kwik-Uribe Food and Function 2020 , 11: 131-138 .

#61 Draft

#60 Draft

#55 2022

#52 2021

#49 2021

#48 2021

#39 2020

#30 2017

#26 2017

2016 Ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for simultaneous determination of natural steroid hormones in plasma and tissues Huiyong Wang, Ugo Bussy , Yu-Wen Chung-Davidson and Weiming Li Journal of Chromatography B 2016, 1009-1010, 170 – 178.


Chemical Derivatization of Oxosteroids for the Trace Determination of Neurosteroids in Sea Lamprey by LC-MSMS

#21 2016


Ugo Bussy , Mar Huertas, Yu-Wen Chung-Davidson, Ke Li and Weiming Li Talanta , 2016 , 149, 326-334.

Electrochemistry-Mass Spectrometry to study reactive drug metabolites and CYP450 simulations Ugo Bussy , Renaud Boisseau, Christine Thobie-Gautier and Mohammed Boujtita Trends in Analytical Chemistry , 2015, 70, 67-73 . Simultaneous Determination of Gonadotropin-Inhibitory and Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormones Using Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry 2014 Advances in the electrochemical simulation of oxidation reactions mediated by cytochrome P450 Ugo Bussy and Mohammed Boujtita Chemical Research in Toxicology 2014, 27(10), 1652-1668. In situ NMR spectroelectrochemistry for the structure elucidation of unstable intermediate species Ugo Bussy , Patrick Giraudeau, Virginie Silvestre, Titouan Jaunet-Lahary, Véronique Ferchaud Roucher, Michel Krempf, Serge Akoka, Illa Tea and Mohammed Boujtita Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2013 , 405, 5817-5284. • Voltammetry coupled to Mass Spectrometry in the Presence of Isotope 18 O Labeled Water for the Prediction of Oxidative Transformation Pathways of Activated Aromatic Ethers: Acebutolol • Ugo Bussy , Illa Tea, Véronique Ferchaud-Roucher, Michel Krempf, Virginie Silvestre, Nicolas Galland, Denis Jacquemin, Moa Andresen-Bergström, Ulrik Jurva and Mohammed Boujtita. • Analytica Chimica Acta , 2013 , 762, 39-46. Acebutolol and alprenolol metabolism predictions: comparative study of electrochemical and cytochrome P450-catalyzed reactions using liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry • Ugo Bussy , Marcel Delaforge, Chaimaâ El-Bekkali, Véronique Ferchaud-Roucher, Michel Krempf, Illa Tea, Nicolas Galland, Denis Jacquemin and Mohammed Boujtita • Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2013 , 405, 6077-6085. NMR spectrometry isotopic fingerprinting: A tool for the manufacturer for tracking Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients from starting materials to final medicines Gerald S. Remaud, Ugo Bussy , Michele Lees, Freddy Thomas, Jean-Roger Desmurs, Eric Jamin, Virginie Silvestre and Serge Akoka European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences , 2013 , 48, 464-473. • Isotopic finger-printing of active pharmaceutical ingredients by 13 C NMR and polarization transfer techniques as a tool to fight against counterfeiting • Ugo Bussy , Christophe Thibaudeau, Freddy Thomas, Jean-Roger Desmurs, Eric Jamin, Gérald S. Remaud, Virginie Silvestre and Serge Akoka • Talanta , 2011 , 85, 1909-1914. 2013 2013 2013 2013 2011 Ugo Bussy , Huiyong Wang, Yu-Wen Chung-Davidson and Weiming Li Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry , 2015, 407(2), 497-507.

#17 2015

#10 2015







Oral communications

2023 • From dedicated reference material to secondary method: development, validation, and deployment of robust, reliable, and transferable analytical solution for flavanol and procyanidins in cocoa. • Ugo Bussy . AOAC MidWest, Madison, WI, USA.


2021 • Development of reliable and accessible testing for cocoa flavanol bioactives • Ugo Bussy , Javier I. Ottaviani and Catherine Kwik-Uribe. AOAC annual meeting China Section 2021, Beijing, China. 2021 • Advanced technologies and methodologies for testing cocoa flavanols and procyanidins • Ugo Bussy , Javier I. Ottaviani and Catherine Kwik-Uribe. AOAC international annual meeting 2021, Boston, USA. 2019 • Cross sector collaboration unlocks reliable testing for bioactives in cocoa based products. • Ugo Bussy , Nicholas Anderson and Catherine Kwik-Uribe. AOAC international annual meeting 2019, Denver, USA. 2015 • Electrochemistry enabled quantitative assay of the reductive metabolism of a pesticide in fish by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). • Ugo Bussy , Yu-Wen Chung-Davidson, Ke Li, and Weiming Li. ElCheMS3 Workshop, May 2015 Münster, Germany. 2015 • In situ ultrafast 2D NMR spectroelectrochemistry for real-time monitoring of redox reactions. • Renaud Boisseau, Ugo Bussy Patrick Giraudeau, and Mohammed Boujtita. ElCheMS3 Workshop, May 2015 Münster, Germany. 2015 • Couplage de l’électrochimie à la RMN 2D ultrarapide pour le suivi in situ et en temps réel de réactions redox. • Renaud Boisseau, Ugo Bussy Patrick Giraudeau, and Mohammed Boujtita. Journées de l’Électrochimie Juillet 2015 Rome, Italy. • Electrochemistry coupled to mass spectrometry for predicting the oxidative degradation of electroactive emerging pollutants in the environment. • Ugo Bussy , Véronique Ferchaud-Roucher, Illa Tea, Michel Krempf, Virginie Silvestre and Mohammed Boujtita . 6 th Workshop on biosensors for food safety and environmental monitoring October 2013 Essaouira, Morocco. 2013 • In situ NMR spectroelectrochemistry for the structure elucidation of unstable intermediate species and their degradation pathways. • Ugo Bussy , Patrick Giraudeau, Véronique Ferchaud-Roucher, Illa Tea, and Mohammed Boujtita. ElCheMS² Workshop, May 2013 Münster, Germany. 2013 • Voltammetry coupled to mass spectrometry in the presence of isotope 18 O labeled water for the prediction of oxidative transformation pathways of activated aromatic ethers: Acebutolol. • Ugo Bussy , Illa Tea, Véronique Ferchaud-Roucher, Nicolas Galland, Denis Jacquemin, Ulrik Jurva and Mohammed Boujtita. ElCheMS² Workshop , May 2013 Münster, Germany. 2012 • Electrochemical cell for direct coupling to mass spectrometry: mechanism elucidation thanks to labelled water use. • Ugo Bussy . 3MPL Doctoral School Days June 2012 , Nantes, France. 2011 Electrochemical degradation of Acebutolol: O -dealkylation of aromatic ether. Ugo Bussy , Véronique Ferchaud-Roucher, Illa Tea, Michel Krempf, Virginie Silvestre, Mohammed Boujtita. ElCheMS Workshop , October 2011 Münster, Germany. 2011 • Cellule électrochimique couplée à la spectrométrie de masse en tant qu’outil de prédiction des voies métaboliques d’une entité chimique. • Ugo Bussy , Véronique Ferchaud-Roucher, Illa Tea, Michel Krempf, Mohammed Boujtita Journées de l’Électrochimie Juillet 2011 Grenoble, France. 2013


Funded Jan 2017- Dec 2018

Project: Elucidation of the TFM metabolisms in sea lamprey and non-target fish Amount: $ 40.000 Role: PI funding agency: Great Lakes Fisheries Commission


September 2021 Nominated for Mars Make the Difference Program: Discovery and onboarding of new ingredients March 2019 North America Finalist of Mars Make the Difference Program: Cocoa Flavanol Analytics

MSU Annual Postdoctoral Excellence in Research Award Analytical Science for Sea Lamprey

May 2016

Nominated by the MSU postdoctoral association, two awardees per year Amount: $ 1.000 funding: Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies

MSU Postdoctoral Association Travel Award Participation in the International Workshop ElCheMS3 in Munster, Germany May 28-29, 2015. Amount: $ 500 funding: Michigan State University Postdoctoral Association

May 2015


Curriculum vitae: Dr. rer. nat. Markus Lacorn Since April 2013

R&D Food & Feed: Study Management and Validation at R-Biopharm AG, Germany

- Initialization, planning and documentation of in-house validation projects - Preparation of Quality Management documents for the validation of assay systems - Management of approvals for AACC, AOAC, ASBC, ICC - Membership in following organisations: AOAC, ASBC, OIV, Eurachem, ACS - Working in the following international organizations as expert: AOAC, ICC, ISO, CEN, DIN, Eurachem, OIV - Oral and Poster presentations at international congresses; preparation of manuscripts - Product development: Enzymatic, Allergens - Expert for: Allergens, Reference Materials, Statistics, Qualitative Methods, Enzymatic methods

April 2008 until March 2013

Group leader Research & Development Food & Feed at R-Biopharm AG, Germany

- Product development and product improvement: Initialization, planning and documentation - Head of Laboratory for Allergens, Hormones, Antibiotics, Mycotoxins, Microbiology - Head of Application Laboratory (customers questions, validation, complaints) - Oral and Poster presentations at international congresses; preparation of manuscripts

October 1999 until March 2008

Scientific co-worker at the Institute for Animal Husbandry and Animal Breeding, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany; Prof. Dr. Claus - Head of Laboratory: Chromatography, Immunoassays, Spectrometry - Scientific adviser for bachelor, master, and phD students - preparation of manuscripts Oral and Poster presentations at congresses - Oral lectures and practical laboratory exercises

June 1996 until September 1999

Scientific co-worker at the Institute for Biochemistry and Food Chemistry, University of Hamburg, Germany; Prof. Dr. Dr. Steinhart - phD study: „Influence of natural and anthropogenic stressors on the induction of metallothionein isoforms in the dab (Limanda limanda L.)

Q Laboratories Curriculum Vitae

Michael Loewenstein


2007 – 2011:

The Ohio State University – Columbus, OH B.S., Microbiology


03/2020 – Present

Q Laboratories – Cincinnati, OH Vice President, Scientific Consulting Q Laboratories – Cincinnati, OH Director of Quality

01/2019 – 03/2020:

01/2018 – 01/2019:

Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Company – Greensboro, NC Site Microbiology Manager, QA Manager Critical Utilities (PS/QA) The Procter & Gamble Company – Cincinnati, OH Associate Scientist Microbiology (R&D) • Micro Manufacturing Innovation o Microbial Control Process Research Laboratory (PRL) – Global Program Leader • Sector Microbiologist (Grooming) The Procter & Gamble Company – Cincinnati, OH Associate Scientist Microbiology (R&D) • Advanced Microbial Innovation o Rapid Methods Validation (February 2012 – August 2012) • Critical Testing & innovation (August 2012 – March 2014) o Microbial Content Testing Capability

03/2014 – 01/2018:

08/2011 – 01/2019:


2019 – current:

AOAC International • CASP o Advisory Panel

o Microbiology Expert Review Panel o Microbiology Working Group o Training & Education Working Group • AIMS o Legionella Working Group • Technical Programming Council (2023-2024)


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Q Laboratories Curriculum Vitae

2012 – current

Personal Care Products Council (PCPC) • Current Member o Microbiology Subcommittee o Manufacturing Hygiene Taskforce (founding member)

2020 – current

Association of Water Technologies (AWT) • Current Member o Cooling Water Subcommittee

2012 – current

Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) • Current Member


• ASSE/IAPMO/ANSI 12080 Legionella Water Safety & Management Certification (certification number 50807) • AOAC Method Validation (certification number ER0121)


• AOAC Midyear Meeting. Industry Awareness – suggested Legionella Working Group to AIMS. 03-15-2023. • AOAC Annual Meeting. Call to action – Legionella Working Group. Independent Lab Perspective. 08-30-2022. • A Plant Hygienist Ensures Manufacturing Quality & Product Integrity, Part 3, Household & Personal Products Industry (HAPPI) Magazine, 06-01-2022. • A Plant Hygienist Ensures Manufacturing Quality & Product Integrity, Part 2, Household & Personal Products Industry (HAPPI) Magazine, DOI: 04-01-2022. • A Plant Hygienist Ensures Manufacturing Quality & Product Integrity, Part 1, Household & Personal Products Industry (HAPPI) Magazine, DOI: 03-22-2022. • Loewenstein, M., Benzinger, J., Comparative evaluation of three modern PCR methods for quantitative and qualitative analysis of Legionella spp. for routine monitoring of premise water system samples. Association of Water Technologies. 2021. • AOAC CASP Webinar. Expanding Into the World of Cannabis Testing: Lessons Learned from an Established Food and Pharmaceutical Laboratory. 02-25-2021.


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Q Laboratories Curriculum Vitae

• How Monitoring Keeps Laundry Processes Effective, On Target and Safe. Healthcare Laundry Accreditation Council (HLAC). 08-14-2020. • Manufacturing with Microbial Control in Mind, Part 2, Household & Personal Products Industry (HAPPI) Magazine, DOI:05-01-2017. • Manufacturing with Microbial Control in Mind, Part 1, Household & Personal Products Industry (HAPPI) Magazine, DOI:04-03-2017. • ASSE/IAPMO/ANSI 12050, Professional Qualification Standard for Legionella Water Safety and Management Personnel. • AOAC Method Validation Training Course. AOAC Research Institute/AOAC International (P4-5, P 8-9, P10/11, P14, M1-4, and M6). 06-16-2021. • “GMP Workshop” Personal Care Products Council, Chicago, IL, July 18, 2019 • Webinar, “Water System Biofilm Control and Microbial Monitoring Myths”, Teric (“TC”) Soli, Ph.D., 06-20-2019 • Webinar, “FDA’s New Enforcement of 21 CFR Part 11”, Dr. Ludwig Huber, Ph.D, 02-19 2019 • “ISO/IEC 17025:2017 The New Standard for Laboratory Competence Course”, A2LA, February 25-26, 2019 • “Understanding ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and AOAC Food Program Guidelines”, A2LA, February 27-28, 2019 TRAINING (selected)


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Franz Ulberth

Date of birth: 24/10/1957

Nationality: Austrian

Phone number:

(+32) 498983902 (Mobile)

Email address: franz.ulberth@ext.ec.europa.eu

Address: Retieseweg 111, 2440, Geel, Belgium (Work)



Head of the Fraud Detection and Prevention Unit at the JRC Geel overseeing the work of 24 sta f ; Leading the European Commission Knowledge Centre for Food Fraud and Quality; Leading the European Reference Centre for Control in the Wine Sector; Representing the European Union in the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Committee for Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS). Address Retieseweg 111, 2440, Geel, Belgium


Head of Food Safety and Quality Unit at JRC Geel overseeing the work of 60 sta f ; Coordinating the work of the European Reference Laboratories (EURL) for Mycotoxins; for PAHs and Process Contaminants; for Heavy Metals; and Feed Additives; Overseeing the International Measurement Evaluation Programme (IMEP). Address Retieseweg 111, 2440, Geel, Belgium 15/08/2002 – 31/05/2006 Geel, Belgium PROGRAMME COORDINATOR EUROPEAN COMMISSION-JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE Coordinating the development of food and environmental (certi f ed) reference materials; Representing the EU in the Organic Working Group of the BIPM Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance: Metrology in Chemisty and Biology Representing the EU and Chair (2003-2006) of the Organic Working Group of the European Association of

National Metrology Institutes (EURAMET) Address Retieseweg 111, 2440, Geel, Belgium


Lecturer in Food Chemistry, Dairy Chemistry and Bacteriology at the Department of Dairy Science and Bacteriology; Supervision of MSc and PhD students; Research in food analysis, lipid science and f avour chemistry. 01/07/1983 – 31/12/1992 Vienna, Austria PHD STUDENT, POSTDOC RESEARCHER UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCE AND NATURAL RESOURCES

PhD in dairy science; PostDoc in food analysis, lipid science and f avour chemistry; Supervision of MSc students.


01/10/1975 – 31/01/1983 Vienna, Austria MASTER OF SCIENCE (MSC) University of Life Science and Natural Resources

Address Gregor Mendel-Str. 33, 1180, Vienna, Austria Website https://www.boku.ac.at Field of study Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics Final grade MSc in Food Science and Biotechnology

01/06/1983 – 31/03/1987 Vienna, Austria PHD University of Life Science and Natural Resources

Website https://www.boku.ac.at Field of study Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics Final grade PhD in Food Chemistry


Mother tongue(s): GERMAN Other language(s):




Spoken production

Spoken interaction















Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user; B1 and B2: Independent user; C1 and C2: Pro f cient user


Skype Zoom Outlook Microsoft Excel Microsoft Powerpoint Microsoft Word SPSS and SAS


Member of the EU delegation to FAO/WHO Codex Committee for Methods of Analysis and Sampling Member of ISO/TC 34 - Food Member of CEN/TC 275 - Food Analysis - Horizontal Methods Member of CEN/TC 460 - Food Authenticity Member of AOAC Food Authenticity Methods Program Member of AOAC Analytical Solutions Forum Editorial Board of Food Additives and Contaminants


More than 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals listed in Web of Science/Scopus


AOAC Fellow 2021

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