AIMS at AOAC Annual Meeting 2023

AOAC INTERNATIONAL Analytical International Methods and Standards Program AOAC Annual Meeting Wednesday, August 30, 2023 1:00pm – 3:00pm


I. WELCOME, INTRODUCTIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (1:00PM – 1:05PM) Allison Baker ( AOAC INTERNATIONAL ) will welcome attendees, lead introductions, and highlight the AOAC Micro Community session. II. AIMS OVERVIEW AND SUMMARY (1:05PM – 1:15PM) Erin Crowley (Q Laboratories) and Morgan Wallace will provide an overview of recent AIMS highlights and summation of recent external meetings attended. III. CYCLOSPORA OUTBREAK: BROCCOLI (1:15PM – 1:25PM) Kalmia Kniel ( University of Delaware ) will provide an overview of the most recent Cyclospora outbreak in broccoli and how it relates to the importance of the work being done in the Cyclospora WG IV. CYCLOSPORA METHOD DEVELOPMENT AND CHALLENGES (1:20PM – 1:40PM) Mauricio Durigan (FDA) will discuss the current Cyclospora method and review challenges faced as it relates to the AIMS Cyclospora Working Group's development of the SMPR. V. WORKING GROUP ON CYCLOSPORA (1:40PM – 2:20PM) Erin Crowley (Q Laboratories) and Morgan Wallace will present the SMPR draft on the Detection, Identification and Characterization of Cyclospora, and highlight the opening of the public comment period. VI. LEGIONELLA OVERVIEW (2:20PM – 2:35PM) Michael Loewenstein ( Q Laboratories ) will introduce the challenge of Legionella testing, confirmation of positive results and an overall lack of standards for validating methods. VII. STATE LAB TESTING AND OUTRBEAK RESPONSE: LEGIONELLA (2:35PM – 2:55PM) Sarah Price ( MilliporeSigma ) will provide an overview of state laboratory testing for Legionella, and discuss state outbreak response.

VIII. WRAP UP AND ADJOURN (2:55PM – 3:00PM) Next steps and adjourn.

*This agenda is subject to change without notification

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