
Aloe SLV Method Supplementary Information Precision: The precision (RSDr) reported in the publication is intermediate precision (different days, calibration curves, solutions, etc); which is more rigorous in comparison to AOACs guidelines for repeatability as specified in the SMPR. Threfore, we have complied the repeatability according to AOAC guidelines below. The repeatability (%RSDr) between replicate samples on the same day for day 1 of the analysis (4 replicate samples) is summarized below for the samples which contained Aloins above the quantitation limit. Repeatability (%RSD) Aloin A Aloin B TM2 3.6 2.8 TM3 0.83 4.3 TM5 1.4 2.1 TM6 0.83 0.74 TM8 0.85 0.51 LOD/LOQ concentration in Samples: The LOD/LOQ reported in the publication is concentration of the calibration solution. The back calculation for liquid and dry matrices are summarized below: Liquid samples (as per manuscript): LOD aloin A &B: 0.09 µ g/mL; LOQ Aloin A: 0.23 µ g/mL, Aloin B: 0.21 µ g/mL. Powders & capsules: LOD Aloin A & B: 0.9 µ g/g; LOQ Aloin A: 2.3 µ g/g, Aloin B: 2.1 µ g/g

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