AOAC 133rd Annual Meeting - Final Program

LECO Corporation Booth #509 3000 Lakeview Avenue St. Joseph, MI 49085 269-985-5476

MilliporeSigma Booth #612 3050 Spruce Street Saint Louis, MO 63103

800-505-6275, ext. 5045 MilliporeSigma, the life science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, provides more than 300,000 products solving the toughest challenges in life science. We have exper- tise in reagents and instrumentation for the safety and analysis of food, dietary supplements, and cannabis. What if food were uncontaminated, authentic and safe for all?

For over 80 years, industries around the world have trusted LECO Corporation to deliver technologically advanced products and solutions. Today, our technologies for separation science and high-quality analytical instrumentation, such as our new TGM800 thermogravimetric moisture determinator, reflect our commitment to understanding your lab’s challenges and provid- ing solutions to streamline your analysis.

Nacalai Tesque, Inc. Booth #514 Nijo Karasuma, Nakagyo-ku Kyoto, 6040855 Japan +81752511730

LGC Proficiency Testing Booths #510 & #512 1159 Business Park Drive Traverse City, MI 49686 231-668-9700

LGC Proficiency Testing offers independent, third-party profi- ciency testing programs for food microbiology and chemistry laboratories. Laboratories can monitor their test performance and compare results to others performing the same test. The use of lyophilized organisms provides superior sample stability. LGC offers the most comprehensive catalog of proficiency testing schemes available to the food and beverage industry coupled with a truly global customer support system. Megazyme Booth #508 Bray Business Park Southern Cross Bray, Wicklow, A98YV29 Ireland +353 1 2746103 Megazyme’s innovative analytical products simplify the measurement of enzymes, polysaccharides and sugars. Driven by cutting-edge research, Megazyme develops new vali- dated methods and the products to support them, including industry-standard products for which Megazyme is the sole worldwide producer. For reliable assay kits, enzymes, substrates and carbohydrates, choose Megazyme.

Nacalai Tesque is an LC column manufacturer in Kyoto, Japan. Our unique phases for HPLC and UHPLC columns can achieve difficult separations. New products include chiral, SFC, and core-shell columns. Our extensive application database includes pharmaceuticals, natural compounds, antibiotics, vitamins, steroids, food additives, pesticides, peptides, and proteins. National Institute of Standards and Technology Booth #415 100 Bureau Drive, Mailstop 2300 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 301-975-4454 NIST Standard Reference Materials support accurate and compatible measurements by certifying and providing over 1200 Standard Reference Materials with well-characterized compo- sition or properties, or both. Materials are used to perform instrument calibrations as part of overall quality assurance programs’ accuracy of specific measurements to support devel- opment of new measurement methods. National Research Council of Canada Booth #714 1200 Montreal Road Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6 Canada 613-993-4969 The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) produces certified reference materials to enhance traceability and global measurement comparability. NRC certified calibration solutions and matrix reference materials support the environmental and food safety sectors, with specialization in marine and freshwater biotoxins, mycotoxins, veterinary drugs, and cannabis.

Metrohm Booth #205 9250 Camden Field Parkway Riverview, FL 33578 813-316-4700

From routine moisture analysis to sophisticated anion and cation quantification, Metrohm offers a complete line of analytical laboratory and process systems for titration, ion chromatogra- phy, electrochemistry and spectroscopy.

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