AOAC 2017 First Action Methods

( 3 ) DMSO blank. ( 4 ) Unknown sample(s) .—Inject unknown samples followed by a DMSO blank. Intersperse a second set of MRL samples after the unknowns. G. Calculations ( a )  Calculation of 1000 ppm MRL .—Calculate the average peak area ratio of each peptide from both sets of MRL: Peak area ratio = peak area of analyte/peak area of IS ( b )  Calculation of the unknown samples .—Calculate the peak area ratio of unknown samples. ( c )  Determination of unknown samples .—( 1 ) Compare the peak area ratio of unknown sample and the MRL. ( 2 ) When peak area ratio of each peptide from unknown sample is less than from MRL, the result is not conformed. When peak area ratio of each peptide from unknown sample is more than from MRL, the result is positive. ( 3 ) When all three peptides of each protein have positive results, the protein is conformed. Otherwise, the protein is not conformed. References: J. AOAC Int . (future issue) AOAC SMPR 2016.015 J. AOAC Int . 100 , 290(2017) DOI: 10.5740/jaoacint.2016.015 Posted: February 2018


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