AOAC 2022 Midyear Meeting - AIMS Meeting Book

Optimization of Viability Treatment Essential for Accurate Droplet Digital PCR Enumeration of Probiotics.19
Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) Overview20
Pre-Treatment Efficiency22
Overall PE51 Efficiency23
PE51 Efficiency by Genus24
PE51 Efficiency by Assay Target25
v-ddPCR vs. Plate Count26
Thank You Probiotic Research Team!30
Slide Number 1331
AIMS- Analytical International Methods & Standards Program32
ISPAM History34
ISPAM History35
Objectives of the Analytical International Methods and Standards Program (AIMS)36
Additional Challenges in Validation of New Microbiology Technologies37
Cyclospora Background38
Slide Number 839
Cyclospora Background40
Cyclospora-Public Health Impact41
Testing Landscape42
Testing Landscape43
FDA Bacteriological Analytical Manual44
CDC- Advanced Molecular Detection and Prototype Typing45
2021-2023 National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria For Foods (NACMCF)46
Questions from FDA to NACMCF47
Questions from FDA to NACMCF48
Questions from FDA to NACMCF49
Questions from FDA to NACMCF50
Questions from FDA to NACMCF51
International Fresh Produce Association- Virtual Town Hall52
International Fresh Produce Association- Virtual Town Hall53
Questions for the Working Groups54
Questions for the Working Groups55
Get Involved56
Welcome to the AOAC INTERNATIONAL 2022 Midyear Meeting!57
AOAC MembershipIndividual and Organizational58
Learn More And Join!59
Slide Number 460
Official Methods of Analysis (OMA) Program61
AOAC Standards Development & Engagement62
Slide Number 763
Slide Number 864
Slide Number 965
Performance Tested Methods (PTM) Program66
Slide Number 1167
Slide Number 1268
AOAC Communities – Get Involved69
New Initiatives at AOAC – We need your support!70
Join the Advisory Panel for an AOAC Integrated Science Program71
Coming Soon: AOAC’s New Botanical & Dietary Supplement Integrity Program!72
AOAC Standards Overview4
AOAC Core Science Programs and Integrated Science Programs5
How Does AOAC Develop Standards?6
Very Basic AOAC Process7
Standards and Consensus Products8
Program or Project Stakeholders9
Representative Stakeholders Input on Standards10
Slide Number 811
Basic AOAC Standards DevelopmentActivity Framework12
Process & Documentation Stages13
Process & Documentation Stages14
Process & Documentation Stages15
Documentation and Communication16
support for current scope of work in aims is made possible by the following:17
Slide Number 1518

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