AOAC BOD June 2018 Pre-Meeting Materials
AOAC INTERNATIONAL Board of Directors Meeting
December 13, 2017 AOAC Headquarters Rockville, MD, USA
Organizational Affiliate Member Representatives (present for all or part of meeting) Erin Crowley, Q Laboratories John Szpylka, Merieux NutriSciences Linda Zhao, Abbott Nutrition
(present or for all or part of meeting)
DeAnn Benesh , President (3M Food Safety) Ronald Johnson , Immediate Past President (bioMerieux) Brad Goskowicz, President-Elect (Microbiologics) Jonathan DeVries , Treasurer (Consultant) Darryl Sullivan, Secretary (Covance) Jo Marie Cook, Director (FL Department of Agriculture Clay Detlefsen, Director (National Milk Producers Federation) Daniel Fabricant, Director-at-Large (Natural Products Association) Anthony Lupo, Director (Neogen Corporation)
Guests (present or on teleconference for all or part of meeting) Joseph Betz, NIH Office of Dietary Supplements
AOAC Staff (present for all or part of meeting) Scott Coates Arlene Fox Dawn Frazier Jonathan Goodwin Krystyna McIver Deborah McKenzie Alicia Meiklejohn Tien Milor Robert Rathbone Joyce Schumacher
Dan Schmitz, Director-at-Large (Abbott Nutrition)
Stephen Wise, Director (Retired, NIST)
Members Absent (with regrets)
Lei Bao, Director ( Nestle Food Safety Institute) Samuel Godefroy, Director (University Laval)
Introductory Items 1.1 Call to Order, Introductions, Announcements
President DeAnn Benesh called a meeting of the Board of Directors to order at 1:04 pm EST on Wednesday, December 13, 2017. A quorum was declared based on the presence of the above members.
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