AOAC BOD June 2018 Pre-Meeting Materials
3.5 Nominations and Elections Processes Brad Goskowicz described plans of the task force to conduct bylaws reviews and audits of governance practices, including the composition and make-up of the Board of Directors. The AOAC Nominating Committee should continue with its Call for Nominations and election planning. The Nominations Task Force plans to develop further guidance on candidate qualifications and possible ballot changes. 3.6 New TF: MOU and BOD Connection DeAnn Benesh proposed the creation of a new task force to examine the way AOAC handles formal relationships with other international organizations. This proposal came on the heels of AOAC signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology (CIFST), and a potential agreement in negotiations with the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). Benesh asked Jonathan Goodwin to lead the group, Dan Schmitz, Darryl Sullivan, DeAnn Benesh, and Brad Goskowicz volunteered to participate. Action Item: DeAnn Benesh and Jonathan Goodwin will finalize a Terms of Reference to define the mission of a new task force on AOAC and agreements with other organizations, and launch the task force. 4 International Cooperation 4.1 CIFST Dan Schmitz and Linda Zhao presented information on the AOAC and CIFST agreement. CIFST has created an advisory board and core team to lead the efforts for reviewing and updating GB testing method development process, planning a workshop for April 2018 with CFDA and CFSA, and introducing AOAC SMPR and method validation processes. 4.2 FSSAI Benesh provided an update on the status of an MOU drafted between FSSAI and AOAC. The president of the India Section Dr. Kaushik Banerjee has facilitated the negotiations. The MOU is expected to be signed in February 2018. 4.3 ISO/IDF Darryl Sullivan and Alicia Meiklejohn provided updates on AOAC’s cooperation agreement with ISO. AOAC and ISO personnel have been exploring ways to expand on the scope of the agreement, beyond just dairy/infant formula projects. Action Item: Determine whether AOAC will have a delegation participate in the April 2018 CIFST meetings.
5 Official Methods Board
*Complete reports/presentations referenced herein are included in the “December 2017 Board Meeting Book” and are available upon request*
AOAC Board of Directors December 13, 2017 Meeting Minutes
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