AOAC BOD June 2018 Pre-Meeting Materials

AOAC INTERNATIONAL Board of Directors Meeting March 13, 2018 AOAC Midyear Meeting Gaithersburg Marriott Washingtonian Center, Gaithersburg, Maryland USA k ll


Organizational Affiliate Member Representatives (present for all or part of meeting) Patrick Bird, Q Laboratories Esther Campos-Gimenez, Nestle Research Center Erin Crowley, Q Laboratories (AOAC OMB Chair) Don Gilliland, Abbott Nutrition Jaap Evers, Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd. Erik Konings, Nestle Research Center Joe Romano, Waters Corporation Wayne Wargo, Abbott Nutrition Guests (present or on teleconference for all or part of meeting) Patrice Arbault, Nexidia (AOAC RI Board Chair) Chengzhu Liang, AOAC China Section President Socrates Trujillo, US FDA AOAC Staff (present for all or part of meeting) Scott Coates Arlene Fox Dawn Frazier Jonathan Goodwin Krystyna McIver

(present or for all or part of meeting)

DeAnn Benesh, President (3M Food Safety) Ronald Johnson , Immediate Past President (bioMerieux) Brad Goskowicz , President-Elect (Microbiologics) Darryl Sullivan, Secretary (Covance) Lei Bao, Director ( Nestle Food Safety Institute) Jo Marie Cook, Director ( FL Department of Agriculture) Clay Detlefsen, Director (National Milk Producers Federation) Anthony Lupo, Neogen Corporation

Members Absent (with regrets)

Jonathan DeVries , Treasurer (Consultant) Daniel Fabricant, Director-at-Large (Natural Products Association) Samuel Benrejeb Godefroy, Director (University Laval) Dan Schmitz, Director-at-Large (Abbott Nutrition)

Deborah McKenzie Alicia Meiklejohn Robert Rathbone Joyce Schumacher

1. Introductory Items

1.1 Call to Order, Introductions, Announcements President DeAnn Benesh called a meeting of the Board of Directors to order at 10:07 am EDT on Monday, March 12, 2018. President Benesh led introductions and a quorum was declared based on the presence of the above members. 1.2 Review of Policy Statements, Agenda, and Past Meeting Minutes The Board’s attention was called to the Association’s Bylaws and the Policies of Antitrust, Use of Association Name and Logo, and Conflict of Interest. President Benesh announced that the business of the Board meeting would be conducted in accordance to these policies.

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