AOAC BOD June 2018 Pre-Meeting Materials

Motion: Johnson/Goskowicz moved/seconded adoption of a policy to provide complimentary lifetime membership and meeting registration to past presidents who have retired from their primary occupation.

Vote: PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 2.4 Finance Committee*

Joyce Schumacher, Chief Financial Officer, presented the Finance Committee Report. The Finance Committee met immediately prior to this board meeting and reviewed the year end financials for 2017. In the full year, the Association experienced an accrual basis net gain of $121,499 on income of $5,698,848 and expenses of $5,577,349. The Research Institute experienced an overall net gain of $690,868 on income of $2,449,592 and expenses of $1,758,724. 3. Strategic Planning 3.1 AOAC Staff Activities & Business Development* Interim Executive Director Jonathan Goodwin gave a presentation on the finalized strategic plan and senior staff’s efforts at defining short- and mid-term goals. Goals supporting the strategic plan included objectives related to standards and guidelines, the Research Institute, the Official Methods of Analysis , international outreach, membership, marketing and website improvements. 3.2 Strategic Planning Task Force Co-Chairs Ron Johnson and Jonathan Goodwin described the activities of the Strategic Planning Task Force since the December 2017 Board meeting. 4. Volunteer Board Leadership Updates 4.1 Official Methods Board (OMB) Update Erin Crowley, Chair of the Official Methods Board, reported on the activities of the OMB since the last Board meeting. The OMB has been working on building relationships with other AOAC committees, a policy was adopted to create a position on the OMB for an Editorial Board member. The OMB has also been examining ways to contribute to the implementation of the strategic plan. Patrice Arbault, Chair of the Research Institute (RI) Board, presented on RI activities. The RI Board has been working to help grow the activity of the RI Advisory Council and encourage submissions of microbiology method based sessions for the AOAC Annual Meeting. 4.3 Editorial Board* Robert Rathbone, Senior Director of Publications, presented a proposal on behalf of the Editorial Board for the creation of the Award for Best Manuscript to Authors in the Journal of AOAC. The Board reviewed the proposed criteria and ranking system. 4.2 Research Institute Board

*Complete reports/presentations referenced herein are included in the “March 2018 Board Meeting Book” and are available upon request*

AOAC Board of Directors March 12, 2018 Meeting Minutes v 1

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