AOAC BOD June 2018 Pre-Meeting Materials
II. 2018 Business Plan Progress Q2 E. Sustainability: Viable Contracts/Business Proposals
10. Codex Referenced Methods
Leads: McKenzie/Coates
Synopsis: AOAC OMB members have taken the lead in updating AOAC methods that are adopted by Codex Alimentarius in their food standards. Codex food standards “incorporate by reference” methods to be used to measure analytes, usually contaminants and nutritional analytes, in their Codex food standards. Many AOAC, as well as other organizations like ISO and IDF, methods are “incorporated by reference.” Many Codex food standards were created in the 1980’s and 1990’s, so many of the “incorporated by reference” methods are older. In fact, much of the impetus for the SPIFAN project was at its core intended to update the “incorporated by reference” infant formula methods. Several Board members have been very active in this process for infant formula methods. As mentioned before, AOAC OMB members have taken the lead in updating AOAC methods that are adopted by Codex Alimentarius in their food standards. There might be an opportunity to collect these updated methods into a new electronic product of collected Codex food standard methods. Additional AOAC products could include Proficiency Testing and AOAC certified reference materials.
11. Dairy
Leads: Meiklejohn/Coates
Synopsis: AOAC convened a Thought Leader Advisory meeting on February 15 th for infant formula manufacturers, dairy producers, contract laboratories, and technology providers with the goal of identifying future AOAC projects for infant formula and/or dairy. The group identified several areas for potential collaboration, further business development will require follow-up with key dairy contacts and engaged AOAC Board members. Further, AOAC ‘s current relationships with ISO and IDF could be both leveraged and strengthened by cooperative efforts in the dairy sector.
AOAC Board of Directors June 12-13, 2018
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