AOAC CASP Meeting Book

1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857


Official Methods of Analysis (2012) 19th Ed., Appendix D,



Tukey, J.W. (1977) Exploratory Data Analysis, Addison-

Wesley, pp 8 ff, 33, and 39 ff


AOAC INTERNATIONAL Official Methods of Analysis Online,

(6) U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (2011) Bacteriological Analytical Manual 1858 Online, http://www. 1859 BacteriologicalAnalyticalManualBAM/default.htm 1860 (7) U.S. Department of Agriculture–Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) Microbiology 1861 Laboratory Guidebook Online, 1862 Microbiological_Lab_Guidebook/index.asp 1863 (8) International Organization for Standardization (ISO) http:// 1864 services/ISOstore/store.html 1865 (9) Health Canada Compendium of Analytical Methods– Microbiological Methods, 1866 res-rech/analy-meth/microbio/index-eng.php 1867 (10) Feldsine, P., Abeyta, C, & Andrews, W.H. (2002) J. AOAC Int. 85, 1187–1200 1868 (11) International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Standard 16140, Microbiology of 1869 Food and Animal Feeding Stuffs — Protocol for the Validation of Alternative Methods, 1870 1871 =Search&sort=rel&type=simple&published=true 1872 1873 (12) LaBudde, R.A. (2008) Statistical Analysis of Interlaboratory Studies, XX. Measuring the 1874 Performance of a Qualitative Test Method, TR290, Least Cost Formulations, Ltd, Virginia 1875 Beach, VA 1876 (13) LaBudde, R.A. (2009) Coverage Accuracy for Binomial Proportion 95% Confidence 1877 Intervals for 12 to 100 Replicates, TR297, Least Cost Formulations, Ltd, Virginia Beach, VA 1878 (14) LaBudde, R.A. (2009) Statistical Analysis of Interlaboratory Studies, XXII. Statistical 1879 Analysis of a Qualitative Multicollaborator Study as a Quantitative Study Under the Large 1880 Sample Approximation, TR296, Least Cost Formulations, Ltd, Virginia Beach, VA 1881 1882 (15) Mohaptra, S. (2017). Sterilization and Disinfection. Essentials of Neuroanesthesia. 929- 1883 944 10.1016/B978-0-12-805299-0.00059-2 1884 1885 (16) USDA AMS (2021). Remediation and Disposal Guidelines for Hemp Growing Facilities. U.S. 1886 Domestic Hemp Production Program 1887 1888 nes.pdf 1889 1890 (17) US FDA (2021). Chemical Hazards. 1891 chemical-and-physical-contaminants-animal-food/chemical-hazards 1892

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