AOAC CASP Meeting - MYM 2020

March 11, 2020 AOAC CASP Meeting – Presenter Bios

Scott Coates, M.S.

AOAC INTERNATIONAL Senior Director of the AOAC Research Institute

Scott was appointed as the Senior Director of the AOAC Research Institute on July 1, 2018. He is responsible for daily management of and business development for the AOAC Research Institute. Scott also serves as the Program Lead for the Cannabis Analytical Science Program. Scott served as the Chief Science Office from 2009 until June 2018. In this capacity, he served as the technical lead for many AOAC projects. Scott led the writing and development of Appendix F in the Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL that describes validation requirements and the development of Standard Method Performance Requirements . Before joining AOAC, he worked for 10 years as the Operations Manager for an in-vitro diagnostic manufacturer making medical test kits such as Strep tests and specialized bacterial culture media. Scott holds a B.S. in Microbiology (1978) and a M.S. in Biotechnology Management (1994) from the University of Maryland. Contact Scott at:, (301) 924-7077 x137

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