AOAC CASP Meeting - MYM 2020

March 11, 2020 AOAC CASP Meeting – Presenter Bios


Susan Audino, Ph.D

Audino & Associates

Dr. Susan Audino is a chemist/chemometrician and independent consultant to chemical and biological laboratories. On behalf of Accreditation Bodies, she assesses laboratories to and is an instructor for multiple ISO/IEC standards such as ISO 17025. She is recognized as a leader in the cannabis industry, focusing on consumer safety and sound science in the development of official and consensus analytical test methods. Susan serves as a scientific advisor to several scientific organizations, regulatory bodies, and sits on expert review panels. Dr. Audino has chaired the AOAC cannabis advisory panel and currently chairs the chemical contaminants working group, and is a board member for the Center for Research on Environmental Medicine. She has provided seminars, workshops, webinars, and facilitated symposia domestically and internationally.

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