AOAC RESEARCH INSTITUTE Expert Review Panel Chair Report for Microbiology for Foods and Environmental Surfaces Page 5 of 7
Welcome and Introductions The Expert Review Panel Co-chairs, Michael Brodsky and Wendy McMahon, welcomed Expert Review Panel (ERP) members, initiated introductions, and discussed with the panel the goal of the meeting.
II. Review of AOAC Volunteer Policies & Expert Review Panel Process Overview and Guidelines
Deborah McKenzie presented a brief overview of AOAC Volunteer Policies, Volunteer Acceptance Agreement and Expert Review Panel Policies and Procedures which included Volunteer Conflicts of Interest, Policy on the Use of the Association, Name, Initials, Identifying Insignia, Letterhead, and Business Cards, Antitrust Policy Statement and Guidelines, and the Volunteer Acceptance Form (VAF). All members of the ERP were required to submit and sign the Volunteer Acceptance Form. In addition, she also presented an overview of the ERP process including meeting logistics, consensus, First Action to Final Action requirements, and documentation. Review of Methods All ERP members presented a review and discussed OMAMAN-31: Evaluation Of The 3Mâ„¢ Molecular Detection Assay 2 (MDA2) Salmonella For The Detection Of Salmonella Species: Collaborative Study . The method author, Lisa Monteroso of 3M Food Safety, was present and able to address the questions and concerns of the ERP members. A summary of comments was provided to the ERP and the method author. 1 By consensus the ERP presented the following motions for OMAMAN-31 . Motion by Salfinger; Second by Carter, to move OMAMAN-31 to AOAC First Action Official Methods status. Consensus demonstrated by: 9 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstentions. Motion Passed. Motion by Fatemi; Second by Hammack, for OMAMAN-31 to be recommended for AOAC Final Action from AOAC First Action status, the ERP recommends the following: User Feedback. Consensus demonstrated by: 9 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstentions. Motion Passed. The ERP discussed OMAMOD-07: AOAC Official Method 997.02, Yeast And Mold Counts In Foods Dry Rehydratable Film Method (Petrifilmâ„¢ Method) First Action 1997, Final Action 2000. The Method Developer submitted the modification due to the manufacturer of the current bottom, discontinuing the product. The method as a modification and the ERP members were requested to use the method review form to verify that the submitted change has no effect on the performance claim. 3M stated that the new product, Aptra, will have the same composition and construction, with the exception that to view the gridlines, which are plainly visible on the current product, customers will need to use backlighting, such as a Quebec type colony counter. That is the only change in the new bottom film; however, the change is visible to the customer. The change to the Aptra bottom film will have no effect on performance. The ERP decided via straw poll that a modification was not needed for the change in the bottom film of the 3m product. ERP Use Only
1 Attachment 1: Summary of Expert Reviewer Comments for OMAMAN-31
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