OMAMAN-31 E: AOAC RI PTM Report 091501 ERP Use Only - March 2016
2. Food and Drug Administration Bacteriological Analytical Manual Chapter 5: Salmonella . 1 February, 2014. (Accessed April 2015) 2 3 3. U. S. Food and Drug Administration Guidance for Industry: Sampling and Microbial Testing of 4 Spent Irrigation Water during Sprout Production. (October 27, 1999) (Accessed April 2015). 5 6 ntProducts/ucm120246.htm 4. Hammack, Thomas. Salmonella species. Bad Bug Book – Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins, 2 nd Ed. 2011 (Accessed April 2015) 5. AOAC Research Institute Performance Tested Methods SM Program validation outline protocol: Comparative Evaluation of the 3M ™ Molecular Detection Assay Salmonella (March 23, 2015: 7 8 9
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6. U. S. Food and Drug Administration Bacteriological Analytical Manual , Chapter 3 Aerobic
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7. Least Cost Formulations, Ltd., MPN Calculator Version 1.6 (Accessed April 2015)
8. AOAC International, Evaluation of the VITEK 2 Gram-Negative (GN) Microbial Identification Test Card: Collaborative Study, Journal of AOAC International, 95, 3, (2012). 9. Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL (2012) 19th Ed., Appendix J: AOAC INTERNATIONAL Methods Committee Guidelines for Validation of Microbiological Methods for Food and Environmental Surfaces, AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Gaithersburg, MD,http:// (Accessed April 2015) 10. Wehling, P., LaBudde, R., Brunelle, S., Nelson, M. Probability of Detection (POD) as a Statistical Model for the Validation of Qualitative Methods. Journal of AOAC International, 34 35 11. Least Cost Formulations, Ltd., AOAC Binary Data Interlaboratory Study Workbook Version 2.3 36 (2014) - 37 (Accessed April 2015) AOAC Resea ch Institute Expert Review Panel Use Only Vol. 94, No. 1, 2011.
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