B ird et al .: J ournal of AOAC I nternational V ol . 100, N o . 1, 2017  95



ERP Use Only

Figure 1. (A) POD values of the candidate method versus the reference method for 125 g deli turkey. (B) dLPOD values of the candidate method versus the reference method for 125 g deli turkey.

portion (0.51, 0.83) for the low level and 6.24 CFU/test portion (3.58, 10.88) for the high level. For the low inoculum level, 88 of 132 test portions (POD CP of 0.67) were reported as presumptive positive by the 3M MDA 2– Listeria method with 86 of 132 test portions (POD CC of 0.65) confirming positive. For samples that produced presumptive positive results on the 3M MDA 2– Listeria

of the inoculating organism in the uninoculated control samples. Further analysis at the coordinating laboratory confirmed cross- contamination of the uninoculated controls. Due to this issue, the data submitted from Laboratory 10 was not used in the statistical analysis. All other laboratories submitted data for both methods being evaluated. The MPN levels obtained for this matrix with 95% confidence intervals were 0.66 CFU/test

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