AOAC ERP for Acrylamide Meeting Book

Yes Are there any concerns regarding the safety aspects of the method (components, steps, etc...)? Please review safety checklist and related documents and caution statements in the method.

NO, All is sufficient in the report/manuscrpt.

If YES or NO,, but woulid like to recommend some edits....., Please state your edits and/or additions to the method and/or manuscript. The stability and preservation of CRMs can be considered to add in the report. Are there any concerns regarding the YES, I request a review by the Committee on Statistics

data manipulation, data tables, or statistical analysis? Please review data tables and figures as well as the conclusions in the method and the report overall.

If YES or NO,, but woulid like to recommend some edits....., Please state your edits and/or additions on the data and/or conclusions in the report or manuscript. Data for calibration, LOQ and recovery need to provide. METHOD RECOMMENDATION:


Thank you for completing your method review form. We will discuss the method reviews in detail during our Expert Review Panel Meeting. If you should have any questions, please contact Deborah McKenzie at


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