AOAC GFA Program Meeting Agenda (August 27, 2023)

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AOAC INTERNATIONAL Meeting at the New Orleans Marriott 555 Canal Street New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 USA GLUTEN & FOOD ALLERGENS PROGRAM AND ALLERGEN COMMUNITY MEETING DRAFT AGENDA Sunday, August 27, 2023 Meeting Start Time: 9:00am-12:00pm (Central US) Working Group Chairs: Gluten: Dr. Laura Allred (GIG) Food Allergens: Dr. Melanie Downs (FARRP, UN-L) Moderated by Delia Boyd (AOAC) Room Location: Studios 1-3


WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS (Boyd – 9:00am-9:10am) Ms. Delia Boyd ( AOAC ) will open the meeting by welcoming attendees, leading introductions including working group chairs. II. UPDATE ON WORKING GROUP DEVELOPMENT OF THE VALIDATION GUIDELINES (Working Group/Chairs – 9:10am-10:30am) The working group chairs will provide an update on the development of the validation guidelines documents for both Gluten & Food Allergens.

a. Gluten Working Group Discussion (9:10am-9:50am) Dr. Laura Allred ( Gluten Free Certification Organization & Gluten Intolerance Group )

b. Food Allergens Working Group Discussion (9:50am-10:30am) Dr. Melanie Downs ( Food Allergy Research & Resource Program (FARRP), University of Nebraska-Lincoln )

III. DISCUSSION ON THE SCOPE FOR THE END-USER GUIDANCE DOCUMENT (Allred/Downs - 10:30am 10:45am) IV. WORKING GROUP SUMMARY & NEXT STEPS (Boyd – 10:45am-10:50am) Boyd will provide stakeholders with information on upcoming deadlines, review of action item(s), and answer additional questions. BREAK (10:50am – 11:00am)

*Requires a vote Draft meeting agenda is subject to change w/out notice

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V. AOAC ALLERGEN COMMUNITY OPEN FORUM DISCUSSION - (Allred/Koerner 11:00am-11:55am) Co-Chairs Dr. Laura Allred ( GIG ) and Dr. Terry Koerner ( Health Canada ) will host the AOAC Allergens Community forum. a. Review of Allergens Community Survey Responses (Dr. Laura Allred - 11:00am-11:15am) i. Poll on Training & Education: a) What types of training would you like provided? b) In-Person or virtual? b. Preview of Food Allergens Scientific Session (Dr. Melanie Downs – 11:15am-11:25am) “New FAO/WHO/Codex Guidance on Food Allergens and the Impact on Methods for the Detection of Allergen Residues in Foods”. This session will be co-chaired by Dr. Steve Taylor . c. Discussion of CCFL Request to CCMAS for Acceptable Methods of Allergen Detection of Quantitation & update on Gluten Discussion held during the Recent CCNFSDU (Dr. Melanie Downs & Deborah McKenzie ( AOAC ) - 11:25am -11:35am) d. Gluten & Food Allergens Research Presentation(s) (11:35am-11:45am): i. Dr. Carlos Galera ( Hygiena Diagnóstica España ) Evaluation of Gluten Recovery from Two Sources (Barley and Rye Flours) into Different Matrices Using GlutenTox® ELISA Rapid G12 and Two Other Commercial ELISA Kits e. Test Method, Regulation and Research Updates (by country/region) (Dr. Allred - 11:45am 11:55am)

VI. ALLERGEN COMMUNITY SUMMARY & NEXT STEPS (Dr. Allred – 11:55am-12:00pm) Dr. Allred will provide stakeholders with a summary of community discussion.

*Requires a vote Draft meeting agenda is subject to change w/out notice

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