AOAC GFA Stakeholder Program Meeting Book (August 29, 2021)

AOAC INTERNATIONAL Annual Meeting & Exposition Meeting at Sheraton Boston Hotel & Virtually 39 Dalton Street, Boston, MA 02199 GLUTEN & FOOD ALLERGENS PROGRAM DRAFT MEETING AGENDA Sunday, August 29, 2021 Meeting Start Time: 11:00am (Eastern US) Program Advisor: Samuel Godefroy (Université Laval) Working Group Chairs: Gluten: Laura Allred (GIG) Food Allergens: Melanie Downs (FARRP, UN-L) Room Location: Back Bay C

I. WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS (Orlandi– 11:00am-11:10am) Palmer Orlandi (AOAC) will open the meeting by welcoming attendees, leading introductions, and introduce the moderator (Samuel Godefroy) and the working group chairs. II. PURPOSE & SCOPE OF THE PROGRAM (Boyd – 11:10am-11:20am) Delia Boyd (AOAC) will summarize the purpose of the stakeholder program and expand on the details of the scope of work. III. UPDATE ON WORKING GROUP DEVELOPMENT OF THE VALIDATION GUIDELINES (Working Group – 11:20am-12:30pm) The working group chairs will provide an update on the development of the validation guidelines for Gluten & Food Allergens. a. Gluten Working Group Discussion (11:20am-11:55am) Laura Allred (Gluten Free Certification Organization & Gluten Intolerance Group) b. Food Allergens Working Group Discussion (11:55am-12:30pm) Melanie Downs (FARRP, University of Nebraska-Lincoln) BREAK (12:30pm-12:45pm) IV. ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONON BEST PRACTICES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF INCURRED/IN-HOUSE SAMPLES (Godefroy - 12:45pm-1:55pm) Samuel Godefroy (Université Laval) will lead the roundtable discussion on Best Practices for the development of incurred/in-house samples. V. SUMMARY & NEXT STEPS (Orlandi - 1:55pm-2:00pm) Palmer Orlandi will provide stakeholders with information on upcoming deadlines, review of action item(s), and answer additional questions.

*Requires a vote Draft meeting agenda is subject to change w/out notice

Version 2

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