AOAC GFA Stakeholder Program Meeting Book (August 29, 2021)

Stakeholder Participation

Composition of Participating Stakeholders

• All stakeholders are entitled to due process. • All stakeholders can share their perspectives • Anyonewith a material interest may participate

Perspective 1

• Standards are establishedwith a lack of dominance by any one interest - BALANCE

Perspective 2

Perspective 3

• Draft standards must contain input of stakeholders of varying interests and perspectives.

Perspective 6

Perspective 4

• AOACwill confirm consensus regardless of mechanism used to demonstrates consensus of the stakeholders.

Perspective 5


Standards and Consensus Products

• Transparency • Openness • Balance of Interests • Due Process • Consensus • Appeals Basic Principles

• Performance Requirements • Guidelines • Sampling Standards • Best Practices • Operational Documents • Reference Materials • Training Integrating AOAC Consensus Products


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