AOAC GFA Stakeholder Program Meeting Book (August 29, 2021)

• AOAC Food Allergen Community • Validation Procedures for Quantitative

• Reference Materials o MoniQA o NIST o LGC • Codex

Food Allergen ELISA Methods: Community Guidance and Best

Previous and Ongoing Allergen Analysis Efforts

Practices (Abbott et al. 2010) Î Appendix M • SPSFAM Food Allergen Working Group 2015-2016 o SMPR development for quantitative MS methods o Selected allergens: egg, milk, peanut, hazelnut • ISPAM Food Allergen Working Group 2016-2019 o SMPR development for quantitative ELISA methods o Egg, Milk, Peanut, (Almond/Hazelnut)

o CCFH: Code of Practice on Food Allergen Management for Food Business Operators o CCFL: Expert consultation on allergen labeling (ongoing)



• Provide information on reference materials • Require unit conversion values • Require analysis of incurred foods for evaluating recovery • No methods approved under new SMPRs

Milk and Peanut

SMPRs for ELISA- Based Food Allergen Methods




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