AOAC GFA Stakeholder Program Meeting Book (August 29, 2021)

• Previous guidance: focus on commodity units (e.g. peanut, milk, egg)

• Recent direction of end users: Focus on total protein to align with clinical data used for risk assessment purposes

Reporting Units

• Recommendation for required reporting untis : o Mass of total protein from the allergenic food per mass of food , e.g. mg total peanut protein per kg food o Additional units may be provided if desired



Allergen source material recommendations: • Reference materials preferred, but alternative materials can be used if compared back to the reference material. • Alternative materials: o Representative of food industry applications o Commercially available o Minimally processed (e.g., not fractionated or hydrolyzed) • Information needed for alternative materials: o Total protein content (Dumas or Kjeldahl, N-conversion factor stated) o Processing to obtain the material o Source of the material o Commercial supplier of the material, if applicable • Protein profile data (e.g., SDS-PAGE or mass spectrometry) is preferred to demonstrate comparability with reference and other materials. 12

Testing Materials: Foods and Ingredients


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