AOAC GFA Stakeholder Program Meeting Book (August 29, 2021)

• Food processing can dramatically decrease food allergen recovery • Risk assessment perspective: processed foods considered equivalently allergenic at the population level • Ideal food allergen methods: equivalent quantification of allergens in foods before and after processing • SMPRs require recovery data from incurred food matrices • Definition of incurred? o Proposal: food matrices with food allergen materials incorporated prior to food processing operations used to produce the finished product o Food processing operations: focus on those expected to impact recovery (based on published studies and experience) 17

Incurred Food Samples


Example Food Processing Operations Most Likely to Impact Recovery

Fermentation/ Hydrolysis

Thermal Processing • Baking • Frying • Boiling • Heating • Retorting • Pasteurization ( HTST, UHT ) • Drying (e.g. spray drying ) • Blanching • Roasting • Steaming • Extrusion • Concentration * • (High Pressure Processing)

pH Change • Acidification • Pickling

Fractionation • Ultrafiltration • Acid/alkaline washing • Precipitation/ coagulation • Centrifugation • Solvent extraction • Churning

• Bacteria (e.g., lactic acid bacteria) • Yeast

• Enzymes • Brewing • Malting



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