AOAC GFA Stakeholder Program Meeting Book (March 15, 2023)

4.3.4 Data analysis and reporting For each gluten source-matrix-contamination level sample, calculate the POD for each collaborator. Then for each gluten source-matrix contamination level, calculate the LPOD (mean POD across all collaborators) and standard deviation of collaborator PODs (sPOD). (Wehling et al 2011) Report the LPOD estimates with 95% confidence intervals, and the POD curves. Calculate repeatability and reproducibility as described in Wehling et al. 2011. Gluten concentrations at and above the CDC must produce a LPOD of 0.95 or greater. Blanks samples must produce a LPOD of 0.05 or lower. "To calculate repeatability and reproducibility as described in Wehling et al. 2011" is more than 12 years old; meanwhile a lot more approaches were published and should cited as alternatives There is brand-new ISO DTS 27878 on Reproducibility of the level of detection (LoD) of biary methods in collaborative and in-house validation studies; This TS should not only be cited but included in the guideline as an alternative source for statistics

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