AOAC GFA Stakeholder Program Meeting Book (March 17, 2021)

What We Don’t Like – Uncertainties = Delays

Use of Reference Methods: • To set spike levels? • As a level checker?

• All matrices or only in scope

• Not at all? Dry Spike Protocol:

• Do we use exact procedure or are modifications allowed? • How much should homogeneity acceptance criteria change? • Should we use incurred matrix acceptance criteria? • Can we create a guidance document with community consensus? All Incurred Matrices for Peanut SMPR: • Potential barrier for small or new companies as access to food manufacturing expertise and equipment is needed • Can’t homogenously spike the reference material into specific matrices


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What Would You Change? Matrix Testing • Require 1 incurred matrix per 5 matrices tested • Qualify food laboratories that can make targeted incurred matrices • Allow open access to these laboratories by all test kit companies • Guidance document on how to make incurred matrices • Process can be assisted by an AOAC consultant • Clarify in SMPRs how reference materials are to be used • To incur or to check against?


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