AOAC GFA Stakeholder Program Meeting Book (March 17, 2021)

What Would You Change?

Matrix Testing (continued) • Rethink dry spike protocol – the new primary challenge of method approval is how well we can homogenize a sample in a non-food manufacturing environment • Can we look to sampling methods to improve homogeneity • If it is kept, acceptance criteria should be re- evaluated • Remove reference method requirement until analytical standard is available • Rely on protein analysis prior to spiking or incurring Robustness, lot to lot consistency, stability and selectivity • Allow use of spiked material • Removes variability from dry spike sample preparation to allow for a fair analysis of the methods performance


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What Would You Change? • Base PTM validation protocols off current AOAC criteria

• Do not hold protocols for criteria that may be coming • Once the protocol is approved, allow one year for report submission under protocol as written • After one year, protocol may be revisited to base on new criteria • When new criteria are approved, give 1 year for compliance (incorporation into protocols) • Changes to approved protocols must be approved by reviewers and Scott Coates • Consider similar process for OMA • Delays tracked and analyzed annually by AOAC • Late reviews addressed first by AOAC consultants, then AOAC staff • Increased emphasis on timelines with timeline extensions requiring approval from AOAC staff

• Task level tracking of approval projects


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