AOAC GFA Working Group Documents for Review (November 2022)

Document Comments with Responses

Whole Document • Wheat, rye, and barley are often mentioned but to stay inline with Codex we should somewhere (maybe under 3.15) mentioned that when we talk about wheat this always include all Triticum species o Note was made under definition 3.15 to indicate that “wheat’ refers to all Triticum species • Please use mg/kg throughout the document since this is the SI unit. o All references to “ppm” have been replaced with mg/kg • What is the difference between "target analyte" and "analyte"? use onle one of them? o Since we have a definition for “Analyte”, I kept that term and removed the term ‘target’. This meant a slight rewording of the definition of Selectivity (check allergen document) Table of Contents • Summarize all definitions as "3 Terms and Definitions" with no subitems o Table of Contents has been updated to exclude list of definitions 2 Applicability • Is it retro-active? o This would be a question for the AOAC PTM and OMA programs Definition 3.1 Accuracy • How is this assessed for qualitative methods? • The definition is true for quantitative methods but maybe misleading for qualitative assays - delete? o Deleted this definition Definition 3.3 • The definition is true for quantitative methods but maybe misleading for qualitative assays - delete? o Deleted this definition Definition 3.4 Biological Replicate • The example may be written as: Three separate test portions should be weighed, and each test portion should be tested following the testing method as specified by the method developer. o This change was incorporated into the definition Definition 3.7 CDC • Not sure what AOAC policy is for abbreviations, but this is the first time POD is used. What are the guidelines for estimation? Must take the highest (worst) LOD? o POD has been spelled out. Wording has been changed to remove the word ‘estimation’, and clarify that you can make a claim across all validated matrices, or per matrix. Definition 3.10 Cross-reactivity Study

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