AOAC GFA Working Group Documents for Review (November 2022)

Document Comments with Responses

o This term is not used within the text of the document, so it has been removed

Definitions 3.39 and 3.40 Robustness Study / Ruggedness • For me as a non-native speaker there is no real difference between robustness and ruggedness; should we chose one of them? o Yes, the terms are interchangeable, so we will stick with robustness Definition 3.40 Ruggedness • Change to Robustness? o This term has been deleted Definition 3.41 Sample • Make sure this definition is appropriate for all uses of the word sample throughout the document. See comment about definition 3.24 o Reviewed Definition 3.42 Selectivity • Would ‘detect’ be a better word than quantify? • Detect? o “quantify” was changed to “detect” Definition 3.43 • this is not the VIM definition because sensitivity there is the steepness of a calibration graph; proposal: delete the definition? o This term is not used in the text of the document, so it has been deleted Definition 3.44 • this is not the international assumed definition because in case of gluten and allergens it clearly points to the antibody; proposal: delete the definition? o This term is not used in the text of the document, so it has been deleted Definition 3.45 Spiked Test Material “a food allergen material” • Gluten o This was changed to match the incurred test material definition Definition 3.46 Technical Replicate “two wells of a microplate” • Change for qualitative? o Changed to “two separate lateral flow devices” Heading 4 Qualitative Methods

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