AOAC GFA Working Group Documents for Review (November 2022)

Document Comments with Responses

o See proposals at the top of page 8 of this document

4.3.3 last paragraph • Add that samples for the collaborative study must be incurred. Additionally, at least half of the samples must be prepared by an independent lab. o The first sentence of this section indicates that the samples are incurred. At this point there is not requirement that samples be prepared by an independent lab. • Add “biological replicates” after 20 replicates o This section was removed, and instead the labs are testing eight independent test portions. 4.3.4 Data analysis and reporting • Also require to plot POD curve? o Added • This may be affected by proposed study design 4.3.4 Data analysis and reporting, final paragraph “calculate repeatability and reproducibility” • Reference? • How to calculate repeatability and reproducibility? There is nothing in Appendix N; we published something in Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, 2016; 8 (2): 309-318 o Reference added 4.4 Matrix Extension “4.3.3” • This is the collaborative study section. Should this be 4.2.? o Fixed the reference 4.4.1 “The matrices chosen for the independent lab must be incurred, if incurred samples were part of the SLV • Under 4.4.1 it says that incurred samples must be used by indep lab if incurred samples were used in single lab. Isn't this required/shouldn't we assume they were tested in single lab? • Do they have to be? o Removed this sentence – all samples in the matrix studies are incurred 4.4.1 lines 2 and 3 • Replace reference to 4.1.4 by reference to 4.1.3 and replace reference to 4.3.3 by reference to 4.2. o Amended 4.4.2 “the claimed gluten sources”

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