AOAC ISPAM Food Allergen WG Meeting Book (12-15-16)

France Cho: I propose whole and separated egg components to cover those who use whole egg or egg white

Lisa Monteroso: Delia, I will send my comments to you

Diana Kavolis: Should have validation data for classes of matrices that may be a challenge - ovaltine is used in cocoa products and high tannin products are not represented in the matrices section

France Cho: Validating using specific matrices will make sure that method is fit for lspecific or group listed.

Bert Popping: In my view manufacturer can choose. But it has to be indicated that only those matrices have been validated.

Laura Allred: would a list of items to be checked for cross-reactivity be more beneficial than listing required validation matrices? Maybe this list is "priority" matrices, not required ones.

Lisa Monteroso: I agree that manufacturer should choose.

Lisa Monteroso: YES. Please add cross reactivity. It is missing in this document

France Cho: agree with Lisa

Bert Popping: Good point! Milk in orange juice is not uncommon either

Yumin Chen: how about eggnog?

Paul Wehling: yes agree with Bert

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