AOAC ISPAM Food Allergen WG Meeting Book (12-15-16)

AOAC ISPAM "Food Allergen" Working Group Questions/Comments Form

Submission Date

2016-12-08 06:32:59

First & Last Name

Markus Lacorn



E-mail Address

Date Submitted



Table 1: Why do we need an analytical range? A possible user may decide if an analytical range is broad enough. At the moment the LoQ (or sometimes also LoD) is of most interest since we are only interested in presence or absence. This may change when threshold values will be installed (comparable to gluten). Change: Delete the analytical range from the table


Table 1. Change recovery to mean recovery otherwise precision would not be necessary any longer


Table 1. Instead of defining commodities we could separate the table into low- processed samples (e.g. salad dressing, dough, ice cream) and high-processed samples (e.g. bread, cookies, pasta): not fixed number decision by method developer

New Table 1 will be sent separately to Delia


Delete Table 2 and include examples in Table 1 as described in another comment


Table 2: Chicken is a possible cross-reacting commodity that needs to be characterized (see also AOAC Guidelines by Abbott et al.). To be discussed in the group if the list stated in the Abbott paper is sufficient.

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