AOAC ISPAM Meeting eBook, March 17 2015

Sampling Plan Update

Current Situation:  Fields will not be sterile  Industry data: leafy greens field operating under GAPs will still have about 0.2% frequency of detectable pathogens in field  Sampling to prove “pathogen-free” is impractical


Sampling Plan Update

Objective:  Evaluate existing sampling protocols (industry, FDA “site-specific risk- b d h”) ase approac  Identify/recommend/develop a field sampling protocol, e.g.,  For routine sampling (e.g., to meet a customer requirement)  For cause or investigative sampling (e.g., if a potential food safety issue is identified)  Directional/gradient sampling (e.g., from least likely to most likely areas)  Define a sampling lot, while considering field assessments and historical data  Determine what level of statistical confidence can be achieved


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