AOAC ISPAM Quant. Micro Acceptance Criteria 6-28-18

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Excerpt from AOAC ISPAM Meeting Minutes of 9/2018 AOAC ISPAM WORKING GROUP ON QUANTITATIVE MICROBIOLOGY METHODS ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA The working group/stakeholder panel developed the fitness-for-purpose statement: The Working Group Co-chairs, Patrick Bird and Patrice Arbault provided an overview of the current challenges with the Quantitative Statistics in AOAC Appendix J Guidelines. Several examples were presented for discussion. To develop statistical tools and acceptance criteria of quantitative microbiological methods that will balance the goals of: 1. Minimizing the chance of accepting a method that is not fit for purpose 2. While maximizing the chance of accepting a method that is fit for purpose 3. Providing guidance on relevance of deviations Motion: Michael Farrow moved and Virendra Gohil second to endorse the fitness for purpose statement with the changes: Motion passed.

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