AOAC ISPAM Stakeholder Panel Meeting Book 3-13-18
AOAC TASKFORCEON FOOD FRAUD 13 March 2018 / 15:00 – 16:30 2 nd Meeting During Mid-Year Meeting of AOAC International Version 2 (Please Consult AOAC International Website – meeting section for location) Possible connection remotely through Zoom Platform : This second meeting of the TF on Food Fraud, follows a first engagement opportunity summarized in the record of meetings held on 9 Feb and 23 Feb 2018, remotely. The record of both meetings can be requested from AOAC International. The proceedings of the 23 rd of Feb meeting were recorded and can be accessed at: The second meeting is held on the margin of the AOAC International Mid-year meeting. Discussions will not review the raison d’être of the TF, nor the background of Food Fraud. These latter aspects were documented as part of the first TF meeting and can be accessed upon request.
Introduction of participants
Review of minutes / record of decisions from the 1 st meeting (9 February and 23 February 2018 remotely)
ž Follow-up on first meeting : Update on USP activities / Databases in relation with Food Fraud
ž Review of current efforts to develop definition for food fraud and associated terminology (e.g. food authenticity, integrity, etc.)
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