AOAC ISPAM Stakeholder Panel Meeting Book 3-13-18
Quantitative Microbiology Validation Acceptance Criteria
Appendix J: AOAC INTERNATIONAL Method Committee Guidelines for Validation of Microbiological Methods for Food and Environmental Surfaces Adopted in 2011 and implemented in 2012 Heavy emphasis on design and statistical change to Qualitative Microbiology Evaluations Design of Quantitative Microbiology validations (from previous guidelines) did not change
• 3-4 levels of contamination with 5 replicate samples at each level • The statistical analysis component was significantly changed.
Quantitative Microbiology Validation Acceptance Criteria
Original Statistics - Log 10 transform data • Can’t be performed for Uninoculated Control Level (0 Data Points) Perform ANOVA or t-test to determine if mean replicates at each level are different Calculate repeatability by determining the standard deviation (s r ) at each level Graph the mean results for each contamination level (Candidate – Y axis, reference – X axis) and determine the slope and linear correlation coefficient (r 2 ) Acceptance Criteria per matrix per level was established • p value (obtained from ANOVA or t-test) should be >0.05 to establish equivalence between methods • It still left many unresolved questions on data interpretation
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