AOAC ISPAM Stakeholder Panel Meeting Book 3-13-18
AOAC ISPAMWorking Group on Quantitative Microbiology Methods Acceptance Criteria The working group/stakeholder panel developed the fitness-for-purpose statement: The Working Group Co-Chairs, Patrick Bird and Patrice Arbault provided an overview of the current challenges with the Quantitative Statistics in AOAC Appendix J Guidelines. Several examples were presented for discussion. To develop statistical tools and acceptance criteria of quantitative microbiological methods that will balance the goals of: 1. Minimizing the chance of accepting a method that is not fit for purpose 2. While maximizing the chance of accepting a method that is fit for purpose 3. Providing guidance on relevance of deviations Current Issues Guidelines indicated only Valid data should be included! What does valid mean? No acceptance criteria set for valid data for • Difference of Means · Determined through CI’s or set value? • Number of Acceptable Deviations per Validation · i.e. # of out of range levels per assay (1 per every 2-3 matrix?) • Determine Limits for # of acceptable “0” data points for low contamination levels Need for approval of updated statistical workbook and further guidance that covers all statistical analysis in Appendix J Motion: Michael Farrow moved and Virendra Gohil second to endorse the fitness for purpose statement with the changes: Motion passed.
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