AOAC ISPAM Stakeholder Panel Meeting Book 9-24-17

ISPAM Stakeholder Panel Meeting Book1
Policy Docs3
AOAC Bylaws3
Policy on Use of Association Name...15
Antitust Policy Statement...19
Policy & Procedure on Volunteer Conflict of Interest23
Draft Meeting Agenda25
Item II-AOAC ISPAM Goals/Overview/Update27
Erin Crowley Bio27
Presentation-AOAC ISPAM Goals/Overview/Update28
Item III-AOAC Standards Development Policies & Procedures Overview35
Deborah McKenzie35
Presentation-AOAC Standards Development Policies & Procedures Overview36
Item IV-Microbiological Testing of Cannabis & Cannabis Products47
Seth Wong Bio47
Micro Testing of Cannabis Presentation48
Item V-Working Group on Quantitative Microbiology Methods Acceptance Criteria53
Patrick Bird Bio (Patrice Arbault-Co Chair)53
Quantitative Microbiology Validation Criteria Presentation54
Item VI-AOAC Presidential Task Force on Food Fraud63
Samuel Godefroy Bio63
Food Fraud Presentation64
Item VII-Food Allergens-Milk71
Jupiter Yeung Bio71
Milk SMPR® (version 6.1)72
Milk SMPR® Update Presentation77
Item VIII_1-Food Allergens-Egg88
Samuel Godefroy Bio88
Egg SMPR® (version 8)89
Egg SMPR® Presentation93
Item VIII_2-Gluten in Oats109
Joe Boison Bio109
Gluten in Oats SMPR® (version 7)107
Gluten in Oats SMPR® Presentation120
1. Validation Proceures for Quantitative Gluten ELISA Methods: AOAC Allergen Community Guidance & Best Practices132
2. AOAC Appendix F140
3. AOAC Appendix M: Validation Procedures for Quantitative Food Allergen ELISA Methods: Community Guidance & Best Practices158

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